Casino Cards


I couldn't find the appropriate place to put this so if a moderator reads then and has a better place to put it, please do. I just went to walgreens and I noticed 8 decks of luxor casino playing cards for 99 cents per deck. I decided to buy them and when I opened them all they were marked with a sharpie on the top left corner of the card. Is this a standard procedure for the casino to mark cards that were already used. It seemed odd because the cards were in perfect order, just like if you were to buy a deck of Bicycle cards, they were in the correct order.


Well-Known Member
Yes that's normal for the casino to mark the cards. It prevents people from buying the cards and bringing them to the casino to use for cheating.


Alright cool, so I guess they hire someone to put the cards in order and mark them after they are used.

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
They usually mark the cards when they bag them while they're leaving the table. The company that packages them for the store probably puts them in order. I ordered 64 decks once and had to put them all in order!


Well-Known Member
The dealers have to put the cards in order as part of closing the game down.
The casinos have them do this to verify that all the cards are there and there are the proper amount of each card there. Sorting 6 deck shoes takes about 10-20 minutes a piece.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
Some casinos around here sell cards that are just cut in the corners or just drilled, without the marks. Others are marked.

One casino around here that uses Carta Mundi cards (my favorite brand) used to sell them with a small bit cut off the corner. And now they no longer sell them :(


Blue Efficacy said:
Some casinos around here sell cards that are just cut in the corners or just drilled, without the marks. Others are marked.

One casino around here that uses Carta Mundi cards (my favorite brand) used to sell them with a small bit cut off the corner. And now they no longer sell them :(
Yea, out of all the casino cards I prefer the Carta Mundi brand, the one that is used with the Sahara hotel/casino. I prefer these over any Bee brands. The Sahara ones I bought weren't marked but a couple of tens/aces were marked in the corner due to the ace/ten scan machine

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
Lerf said:
Yea, out of all the casino cards I prefer the Carta Mundi brand, the one that is used with the Sahara hotel/casino. I prefer these over any Bee brands. The Sahara ones I bought weren't marked but a couple of tens/aces were marked in the corner due to the ace/ten scan machine
Carta Mundi's are the thinnest from what I can tell. Bee's are average and Gemaco cards are the thickest. I do not like Gemaco cards.


Well-Known Member
a lot of casinos the people putting them in order are the dealers waiting to go home or on break. I have sorted several thousands of decks, sometimes waiting to go home early you might do 20+ decks. some places i have seen ship them to a jail for casino cheats to sort out, they get a few cents per deck done i saw when watching the show about it.

i hate the fact that casinos sell the cards now, makes my chip display cost even more money since it needs like a joker for the card back from each place.
