casino fixes mistake in my favor


Active Member
how many AP's have had casinos pay you for a close winning hand that dealer took by mistake?

I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't notice the mistake myself...

I was playing double deck...end of shoe...negative count...minimum bet...but $$ is $$ reason to give it away!

the looks my way from a PB on the phone had me a little was a relief to find out why!



Well-Known Member
Happens ALL the time. I've even had one of my BPs notified of a mispay several hours later, while he was relaxing in his room. He went downstairs and they happily paid him the amount in question, which was several hundred dollars.


Well-Known Member
mica said:
how many AP's have had casinos pay you for a close winning hand that dealer took by mistake?
I've never had the pit correct a payout either way on me though I have seen it happen to others at my table. I have, however, had several ploppys pick up on mispays in both party's favor. It sucks when you're raking in that pile and some moron chimes in.:laugh: Turnabout is fair play and they usually pay for it in the end. Hopefully they learn something from the experience.

It's funny that ploppys tend to observe more than most casino personnel. This can be very dangerous when that is combined with a big mouth.:whip:


Well-Known Member
Sucker said:
Happens ALL the time. I've even had one of my BPs notified of a mispay several hours later, while he was relaxing in his room. He went downstairs and they happily paid him the amount in question, which was several hundred dollars.

While in Las Vegas at the Flamingo Hilton, I got down to my last remaining chips and lost the bet. I left the table not realizing I forgot to pick up two red chips next to the rail. The next afternoon a man approached me in the hotel lobby and said the pit boss was holding some chips for me. I was impressed that somebody made the effort to find me for $10. I give them credit when it is due!


New Member
True story. In Vegas at CP. About 2 AM, getting my butt handed to me.
Good count, but I get 12. there is a 10 showing. I am asking for a card and
she looks at me and turns over her card, of course she has 20. I don't say anything because she knows she messed up. She calls over the pit boss and I beg for a push (I have $1000.00 on the hand). He told her to just give me the next card in the shoe. I get a 6 for a total of 18. I am now really begging for a push, since I got jobbed by the dealer (I know the pit boss is doing the correct thing, but I beg anyway) No way, so I say hit me and draw the 3 for 21There is a God.
Things turn and I end up about $4500.00 to the good.
May not be the best story, but it is true and it is my best story.


I was playing craps with some friends and the casino was paying people for bets they routinely made but forgot to make. Unfortunately my play was situational so I never benefited from this. When I commented when my friend payed a lost bet he forgot to make, the paying of forgotten bets went into overdrive.


Well-Known Member
whb209 said:
True story. In Vegas at CP. About 2 AM, getting my butt handed to me.
Good count, but I get 12. there is a 10 showing. I am asking for a card and
she looks at me and turns over her card, of course she has 20. I don't say anything because she knows she messed up. She calls over the pit boss and I beg for a push (I have $1000.00 on the hand). He told her to just give me the next card in the shoe. I get a 6 for a total of 18. I am now really begging for a push, since I got jobbed by the dealer (I know the pit boss is doing the correct thing, but I beg anyway) No way, so I say hit me and draw the 3 for 21There is a God.
Things turn and I end up about $4500.00 to the good.
May not be the best story, but it is true and it is my best story.
Genius, is that you?


Sucker said:
Happens ALL the time. I've even had one of my BPs notified of a mispay several hours later, while he was relaxing in his room. He went downstairs and they happily paid him the amount in question, which was several hundred dollars.
I'd be pretty embarrassed if I was a BP who let a mispay get by me. I hope he was duly chastised.


Well-Known Member
Everyone must be living in an alternate universe than I am, I never got payed on a mis-pay by the casino.

Only time I got payed a mis-pay was when another ploppy pointed it out (it was off by like $10). Some of them sure are focused on my big bets more than I am :grin:

The Chaperone

Well-Known Member
Sucker said:
Happens ALL the time. I've even had one of my BPs notified of a mispay several hours later, while he was relaxing in his room. He went downstairs and they happily paid him the amount in question, which was several hundred dollars.
Did you fire him?


Well-Known Member
The Chaperone said:
Did you fire him?
EVERYONE makes mistakes. This particular BP happened to be a highly skilled AP in his own right. In this instance; he was playing at a different table than me, or I would have spoken up when it happened. As Gamblor says, it's OK when a ploppy (me) points out a dealer mispay.


Well-Known Member
whb209 said:
True story. In Vegas at CP. About 2 AM, getting my butt handed to me.
Good count, but I get 12. there is a 10 showing. I am asking for a card and
she looks at me and turns over her card, of course she has 20. I don't say anything because she knows she messed up. She calls over the pit boss and I beg for a push (I have $1000.00 on the hand). He told her to just give me the next card in the shoe. I get a 6 for a total of 18. I am now really begging for a push, since I got jobbed by the dealer (I know the pit boss is doing the correct thing, but I beg anyway) No way, so I say hit me and draw the 3 for 21There is a God.
Things turn and I end up about $4500.00 to the good.
May not be the best story, but it is true and it is my best story.
Welcome back BJGenius


true story - last night I pull 16 and the dealer pulls 20.. Dealers still pays AHAHAHAHA! like.. he must have thought his cards were my cards lol. love new dealers <3