When I first started counting after turning 21, I would brag to my friends about how good I was- the Atlantic City casinos had no clue what I was doing...
It was only years later that I determined that most places likely knew I was counting, and didn't care- they would still give me free rooms and comps. My going from a $10 - $120 spread will cost them about $10 an hour- peanuts as far as they are concerned. I gave up any negative EV cover plays at that point, and stopped leaving after an hour at the same table- I now stay for three or more hours at the same place. Nothing negative has ever occurred, and I still stay for free on weekdays, as always.
It was only years later that I determined that most places likely knew I was counting, and didn't care- they would still give me free rooms and comps. My going from a $10 - $120 spread will cost them about $10 an hour- peanuts as far as they are concerned. I gave up any negative EV cover plays at that point, and stopped leaving after an hour at the same table- I now stay for three or more hours at the same place. Nothing negative has ever occurred, and I still stay for free on weekdays, as always.