Casino Verite


Well-Known Member
Anyone using this software, it seems pretty cool i have the trial version and am wondering if anyone recomends spending the $90 or so bux to get the real deal. Im glad i found this site, Im really getting into the game of blackjack after reading "Playing blackjack as a Business". I know basic strategy pretty well and am in a dedicated process of practicing to count using the plus/minus method. So if anyone has any other software they recommend or books for that matter let me know. Just picked up "Blackbelt in Blackjack" from barnes and noble on the way from work.


New Member
Casinoverite and books

I bought casinoverite about 6 months into my counting education. It is very good for testing yourself in casino like conditions before you actually try to count in a casino. You can set it up to play the exact game that you will be playing (no. of decks, rules, etc.). You can also practice various counting drills as well. BUT, if you are learning the hilo count you ABSOLUTELY MUST buy "Professional Blackjack" by Stanford Wong. You should buy this book right now. At least learn what they call the Illustrious 18. These are the 18 most important variations from basic strategy when using a count system. You can then set casinoverite to test yourself while using the hilo system and if you make a mistake with one of the index nos. during play, it will tell you. If you have any basic questions about the I18, Professional BJ, or casinoverite, feel free to email me or ask in this thread.
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Active Member

I have it and it is great software, very helpful for counting, but I get my most use out of it from the tournament mode, I a majorily a tournament player and it's great because I can structure the tourney however I wish, and the opponent's AI as well, I'd say it's worth the $90 and will easily pay for itself in the long run.


Well-Known Member
Ok...I broke down and got the trial version of Verite. I have been very reluctant to use any computer programs for learning...simply because I use computers all day in my real job :rolleyes:

Anyway, can anyone tell me how realistic this program is? That is to say, if I can successfully increase my bankroll in this game by using BS, counting cards and betting correctly am I on the right track? Or, does this program adjust it's play according to my play on it's own? I know, I know...conspiracy theories abound :cool:

I just want to know if I am getting honest play from this thing before I spend my money. I DON"T need it to teach me BS, Counting, or Betting. I need good realistic practice at playing the game and seeing the results.

Any comments or info will be greatly appreciated!


I've bought the full version as well, though probably I could have done with just the lite version of it, I just thought in for a penny in for a pound, I just use it for testing a mish mash of various wagering progressions, and I would say definitely you will be getting honest play from it, as I get the same results as I do at my local casino with the progression that works for me as I do on Casino Verite, if you are not interested in the counting side of things and you just need good realistic practice at playing the game and seeing the results. the lite version will do the job just fine at half the price and it can be later upgraded to the full version.

Casino Vérité Blackjack V3 Price $90
Casino Vérité Blackjack-Lite (reduced functionality version) V3 Price $47

Take care and be lucky




Well-Known Member
Ok...just to let everyone know what I found out...

I contacted the makers of CVBJ and asked specifically about the play. They assured me that the game does not make plays or deal cards selectively based on the bet I have made, the plays I make or anything else. The cards are delt at random as you would find in a casino. So, I should get a good honest game with the most realistic results possible. I think I am going to like this program!


New Member
Cant say im a big fan of it, plays IMO an unrealistic game. Dealer gets way to many BJ's (7 continous at one point) and one laughable occasion ive received 33 :cry: losing hands one after the other. These are just two that stick in my mind, it got to a point to where I could ALMOST predict which cards the dealer would get on the basis of what Id just received.

Ive been playing for god knows how many years and have never seen anything like the above at a table.

Personally I wouldnt bother with it but buy a cheaper alternative, ive uninstalled mine. :flame:


Well-Known Member
Essexboy said:
Cant say im a big fan of it, plays IMO an unrealistic game. Dealer gets way to many BJ's (7 continous at one point) and one laughable occasion ive received 33 :cry: losing hands one after the other. These are just two that stick in my mind, it got to a point to where I could ALMOST predict which cards the dealer would get on the basis of what Id just received.

Ive been playing for god knows how many years and have never seen anything like the above at a table.

Personally I wouldnt bother with it but buy a cheaper alternative, ive uninstalled mine. :flame:
Gezz talk about raising a post from the dead, I don't think any of those posters are around anymore. Anyways I'm going to have to disagree with you, I've been using Verite for years now and I find its very realistic and have never run into those problems you've had. I think its simply the best practise software out there and I have used a cheaper one which was filled with bugs and very limited in what it could do but I won't name it here. Verite can be accommadated for any counting system, you can use a phenominal amount of rule changes, you can vary speeds and games. I've used it for practising regular blackjack, multi-action blackjack, blackjack switch, and side bets. How many other software programs can do all that. Plus it has an excellent drills sections and all this for only $90. It really is inexpensive when you consider all it can do. I split my practise time between using software and real cards but I highly recommend Verite to anybody, and its well worth the cost.


New Member
So I was just unlucky ? Could be, but I felt it also ran differently on an Xp as opposed to a Vista machine, no long streaks either way much more realistic.

I do agree theres nothing out there quite the same as Verite and Id say try it on someone else's machine to see if you like it.

Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
CVBJ is the best practice software bar none. It also has the best support out there: Norm will almost always get back to you the same day. Buy it--you will not be disappointed. Incidentally, its creator (Norm Wattenberger) contributed some 80 pages to Don Schlesinger's Blackjack Attack, 3rd Edition (which is also a must buy).
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