Casinos cutting back!


Well-Known Member
Casinos are facing slowing business and they are making it worse by cutting back on my goodies. A few days ago I got a $10 matchplay from the siena even when I first started I got $25 and had been getting $50 matchplays for months so that is an 80% reduction in matchplays. Not to mention they changed the rules on single deck from double any two to double on 10-11 only. They are also cutting back on workers and cutting their already dispicable wages which make the dealers less pleasant increasing turnover and makes even more gamblers walk. The dealers are also making less money in tips so they are already being fincially strained.

Cardcounter said:
Casinos are facing slowing business and they are making it worse by cutting back on my goodies. A few days ago I got a $10 matchplay from the siena even when I first started I got $25 and had been getting $50 matchplays for months so that is an 80% reduction in matchplays. Not to mention they changed the rules on single deck from double any two to double on 10-11 only. They are also cutting back on workers and cutting their already dispicable wages which make the dealers less pleasant increasing turnover and makes even more gamblers walk. The dealers are also making less money in tips so they are already being fincially strained.
I have seen players clubs cut back a little on comp point schedules and certainly cut back on wages, employees, benefits, but I have actually seen games get better.

As to unhappy dealers, Hmmm........think about it........




Well-Known Member
cutting back to the bone

Cut backs you bet,the amount of tables open, the limits seem to drop slighty and the comps way back. Free rooms are no longer and the food prices are up 10%. The cut backs have a few advantages, one being less crowded tables and the lower table mins are a plus. The tribal casinos are notorious for being cheap about comps at least the ones I fequent. Not a good enviroment overall but it's a sign of the times. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
Tweak, tweak, tweak and believe no one will notice, and then you go out of business

You cut the comps, cut the amount of points earned for X amount of play, cut a rule here and there in blackjack and tighten up the payouts on the slots, and casino management believes no one will notice.

When you are an advantage player, often playing unrated, comps are a low secondary priority but still a nice thing to receive. You are much more interested in the rules and pen of a blackjack game than in how long and how much you need to play to get a meal or room, but we are a very tiny minority of a casinos customers and very different. Cut a slot players free play or cash back and they are angry. Tell a guy who was getting $100 free play that even though he is playing just as much he now gets $25 and he considers that a high insult.

Over the past month I have played in several Indian places and had a Vegas trip where I played in 8 or so casinos. People are staying away and casinos by cutting things like cash back and free play are saying that they have given up on trying to get people in the door and will only concentrate on fleecing the people who actually walk in the door, faster. This technique, if successful, will result in an ever decreasing amount of players (they lost all their money) who are not being replaced by new players. A formula for complete failure.


Jeff Dubya

Well-Known Member
ihate17 said:
This technique, if successful, will result in an ever decreasing amount of players (they lost all their money) who are not being replaced by new players. A formula for complete failure.
Well said, and I believe - 100% correct.
Cardcounter said:
Casinos are facing slowing business and they are making it worse by cutting back on my goodies. A few days ago I got a $10 matchplay from the siena even when I first started I got $25 and had been getting $50 matchplays for months so that is an 80% reduction in matchplays. Not to mention they changed the rules on single deck from double any two to double on 10-11 only. They are also cutting back on workers and cutting their already dispicable wages which make the dealers less pleasant increasing turnover and makes even more gamblers walk. The dealers are also making less money in tips so they are already being fincially strained.
You're lucky you get that. It's a hell of a lot better than what I get from the Siena...


Slick Vic

Active Member
What is it about casinos that makes them so penny wise yet so pound foolish?

They worry about advantage players almost more than they do about bringing in more business, yet like ihate17 posted, APs are a very small minority. The average casino goer probably doesn't know a damn thing about gambling strategy, and yet he thinks his lucky shirt is going to let him quit his day job. This is the guy you want to get in the door. He's the kind of guy who pulls a slot handle, hits a small jackpot, and says "This machine is hot!" and empties his wallet into the machine so fast it makes his head spin. Then, the casino comps him a buffet, and he thinks "Hey, this was FREE!" You know he's coming back now, since the meal was "free." (Even though he probably spent about 5x more than the meal would have cost him at the machine "paying" for the comp)

If you take away this guy's reason for gambling- the "free" meal- and now the guy has little reason to go back because now "those games are rigged! I don't even get anything for playing there!" And here the casino's thinking it's saving money...


Well-Known Member
Slick Vic said:
What is it about casinos that makes them so penny wise yet so pound foolish?
Unless one is at the top of management casino pay is usually mediocre. Is it any wonder they get the brain-dead talent they do?


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
Unless one is at the top of management casino pay is usually mediocre. Is it any wonder they get the brain-dead talent they do?
i dont mind at all. it's that brain-dead talent watching me play day in and day out without a clue as to what im doing.


Well-Known Member
You know, I remember seeing SOMEONE industry related arguing that the casino's biggest mistake was training players to get paid for their patronage (via comps). Now it's a drug that no casino can afford to cut off from players.

Of course... I love comps, so I hope this is true.