Martin Gayle
Well-Known Member
1) I know that some casinos have paid duty plainclothes police milling about. Not so that they can have cheaters paraded infront of them neccessarily but to act as they do at sporting events. Just as paid duty cops on hand. The average street cop would not know what constitutes "game cheat". In some jurisdictions, it seems judges are still hammering out what is cheating and what is not, ie) spooking may be legal in some jurisdictions. It also may be illegal for casinos to offer countable BJ in some jurisdictions.
2) I have been trying to find legal precedent on such cases (I think, like Apeman, I have too much spare time). It seems that Nevada and maybe Native Reservations have less stringent laws in regards to why someone should be detained by casino personel. The more important a casino is to the local economy the more leniency the courts will grant them.
-if you are being detained you are having some of your rights revoked, you are not being tricked into being detained. If you are detained, you should be read a set of rights similar to the miranda rights. If you go to a backroom voluntarily, you are not being detained and can walk out if you like. Your detainer has to have "suspicion" regardless if it is police or security. As soon as the detainer is reasonably probable, you must be arrested and afforded full arrest rights.
-if you are detained you still have rights. A detainment is illegal if they are making you sweat. A detainment must proceed quickly to an arrest or release ie) a frisk for a cheating device. As soon as they let you sit and sweat (hoping for a false confession) the detainment in most jurisdictions should be ruled unlawful.
-What I understand from Grosjean's case is the casino knew he was playing with a convicted card bender. He was holecarding. Holecard play and bent card play would resemble one another closely. The casino jumped the gun and detained for card bending. They easily could have faked the bent cards and Grosjean and Russo would probably still be in prison. They tell the police that Russo is a convicted cheat and his crim record would show it. Again, a beat cop wouldn't know the difference between holecarding and marked carding. Holecarders have been operating well before Grosjean, his legacy, like Uston and Hyland is that he beat the casinos in court.
Maybe I am too arrogant in my confidence that I can trick a casino goon into violating or not affording me my rights. I sort of long for the day when I can take a casino to court over a human rights or constitutional issue. But that is just me.
1) I know that some casinos have paid duty plainclothes police milling about. Not so that they can have cheaters paraded infront of them neccessarily but to act as they do at sporting events. Just as paid duty cops on hand. The average street cop would not know what constitutes "game cheat". In some jurisdictions, it seems judges are still hammering out what is cheating and what is not, ie) spooking may be legal in some jurisdictions. It also may be illegal for casinos to offer countable BJ in some jurisdictions.
2) I have been trying to find legal precedent on such cases (I think, like Apeman, I have too much spare time). It seems that Nevada and maybe Native Reservations have less stringent laws in regards to why someone should be detained by casino personel. The more important a casino is to the local economy the more leniency the courts will grant them.
-if you are being detained you are having some of your rights revoked, you are not being tricked into being detained. If you are detained, you should be read a set of rights similar to the miranda rights. If you go to a backroom voluntarily, you are not being detained and can walk out if you like. Your detainer has to have "suspicion" regardless if it is police or security. As soon as the detainer is reasonably probable, you must be arrested and afforded full arrest rights.
-if you are detained you still have rights. A detainment is illegal if they are making you sweat. A detainment must proceed quickly to an arrest or release ie) a frisk for a cheating device. As soon as they let you sit and sweat (hoping for a false confession) the detainment in most jurisdictions should be ruled unlawful.
-What I understand from Grosjean's case is the casino knew he was playing with a convicted card bender. He was holecarding. Holecard play and bent card play would resemble one another closely. The casino jumped the gun and detained for card bending. They easily could have faked the bent cards and Grosjean and Russo would probably still be in prison. They tell the police that Russo is a convicted cheat and his crim record would show it. Again, a beat cop wouldn't know the difference between holecarding and marked carding. Holecarders have been operating well before Grosjean, his legacy, like Uston and Hyland is that he beat the casinos in court.
Maybe I am too arrogant in my confidence that I can trick a casino goon into violating or not affording me my rights. I sort of long for the day when I can take a casino to court over a human rights or constitutional issue. But that is just me.