Today I decided to go and watch a couple of Blackjack tables and count just from a distance. I'm very much a beginner so wanted to try and understand what I'm trying to take on with all of this counting business.
My casino which I've used in the past has been in Newcastle - Aspers. I remembered very distinctively that they dealt from a shoe (from playing there a few months back) so I decided to go and check out and see if I could, count. Much to my horror I see a damn machine shuffling away at the cards
They must have replaced the shoe for shuffling machines. Can anyone back this up? Maybe it was because I was there and they only had two tables on and it was very quiet, maybe later tonight or sat sat/sun when it's more busy they use more tables and don't have enough machines so use a shoe?
I can't think of any other casinos in Newcastle which use a shoe. Anyone with any suggestions? When I was at uni (graduated this month) I was in Leeds, Gala was so close and they use a shoe. No Gala near here
Sunderland is closest.
Anyone with any info regarding this matter? Any recommendations? Looks like I'm going to have to start traveling further afield.
My casino which I've used in the past has been in Newcastle - Aspers. I remembered very distinctively that they dealt from a shoe (from playing there a few months back) so I decided to go and check out and see if I could, count. Much to my horror I see a damn machine shuffling away at the cards
I can't think of any other casinos in Newcastle which use a shoe. Anyone with any suggestions? When I was at uni (graduated this month) I was in Leeds, Gala was so close and they use a shoe. No Gala near here
Anyone with any info regarding this matter? Any recommendations? Looks like I'm going to have to start traveling further afield.