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Let me preface this by saying that this is not intended as an ad. If this type of post is against the rules, I apologize. is a completely free site that was started as a hobby. We now would like to help the community by providing players with a unified source for the best casino games around the globe. is a site where players can find and submit games from any casino in the world. Our editors are based in Las Vegas where we update the games, listings, and reviews as much as possible. We are a small operation for now, but we intend on growing with the community in the future if there is a significant interest. is not meant as a resource solely for card counters or other APs. We want the casinos to eventually value the site and realize that by providing players with fair games and good odds, that they will actually increase their customer base. The site is meant for the general player that wants to find playing conditions of any casino in their area.
Many people come to this site and ask the same questions over and over again about where to find the best places to play in Las Vegas or other areas. There was no unified (free) source until now. Users are usually referred to old posts or to CBJN where they must pay to get the information. While we think CBJN is a great publication and has many professional editors dedicated to finding game conditions, it also frequently contains out of date information. Because of this issue and the cost of obtaining the newsletter, we hope that our site can be used as a viable alternative.
In addition to offering casino and game listings, our site also features reviews of casinos and games. Players are able to express their thoughts on horrible 6:5 blackjack games or casinos that only offer eight-deck shoes. Our goal is to alert casual players and tourists to games they should stay away from and steer them to casinos that deserve their patronage. By increasing the average player's knowledge of various casino games, we hope to force the casinos to offer better games so that their customers do not play elsewhere.
Although our database is small now, we plan on growing fast. We have good sample of Las Vegas casinos in the database at this time, with more coming soon. We are asking other players to help us add to the database so that the site can grow and become a powerful resource to all players as to which casinos are offering the best games to their customers. Thank you for reading and we hope to see you on! is a site where players can find and submit games from any casino in the world. Our editors are based in Las Vegas where we update the games, listings, and reviews as much as possible. We are a small operation for now, but we intend on growing with the community in the future if there is a significant interest. is not meant as a resource solely for card counters or other APs. We want the casinos to eventually value the site and realize that by providing players with fair games and good odds, that they will actually increase their customer base. The site is meant for the general player that wants to find playing conditions of any casino in their area.
Many people come to this site and ask the same questions over and over again about where to find the best places to play in Las Vegas or other areas. There was no unified (free) source until now. Users are usually referred to old posts or to CBJN where they must pay to get the information. While we think CBJN is a great publication and has many professional editors dedicated to finding game conditions, it also frequently contains out of date information. Because of this issue and the cost of obtaining the newsletter, we hope that our site can be used as a viable alternative.
In addition to offering casino and game listings, our site also features reviews of casinos and games. Players are able to express their thoughts on horrible 6:5 blackjack games or casinos that only offer eight-deck shoes. Our goal is to alert casual players and tourists to games they should stay away from and steer them to casinos that deserve their patronage. By increasing the average player's knowledge of various casino games, we hope to force the casinos to offer better games so that their customers do not play elsewhere.
Although our database is small now, we plan on growing fast. We have good sample of Las Vegas casinos in the database at this time, with more coming soon. We are asking other players to help us add to the database so that the site can grow and become a powerful resource to all players as to which casinos are offering the best games to their customers. Thank you for reading and we hope to see you on!