"Any actual occurrences of these payoffs mean the bankroll is growing faster than has been allowed for (assuming the one payoff that has been analysed occurs with its expected frequency).
"Hence my assertion that he can only ever underestimate the optimal fraction."
And again, I tell you that this isn't necessarily true. The other payoffs can have positive e.v. and contribute to bankroll growth, but also can have variances that are so large as to swamp the e.v., in which case they would decrease f*. Simple example: you get a 1,000 to 1 payoff for a 990 to 1 shot. Small edge, huge variance.
"Hence my assertion that he can only ever underestimate the optimal fraction."
And again, I tell you that this isn't necessarily true. The other payoffs can have positive e.v. and contribute to bankroll growth, but also can have variances that are so large as to swamp the e.v., in which case they would decrease f*. Simple example: you get a 1,000 to 1 payoff for a 990 to 1 shot. Small edge, huge variance.