Charles Town West Va


Well-Known Member
I believe it's total garbage. 8 decks, maybe h17, don't remember. Low limits, but it was crowded as hell, and they won't comp anything.

Poker room had some action, though.


Well-Known Member
Stay farrrr awayy. H17 8 decks with $25 mins at all times. Poker is garbage too with $7 rakes on 1/2 nl.


Well-Known Member
Thunder said:
Stay farrrr awayy. H17 8 decks with $25 mins at all times. Poker is garbage too with $7 rakes on 1/2 nl.
Oh crap, I just realized I was thinking of the casino in Charleston, not Charles Town.

My earlier post relates to the "mardi gras" casino in Charleston...


Well-Known Member
Things are looking better

They've really changed the floorplan around recently. The big horseshoe shapped pit is gone. That area is now three separate pits (with some of the slots where some of the pit used to be and vice versa). The little pit by the west garage is still the same as well as the non-smoking pit and the 3 pits by the main entrance, but there's a new pit area past those 3 pits (in front of the Final Cut steakhouse) with lots of tables.

Yeah yeah, I know, that's all fine and dandy but what are the conditions? You can now find $15 tables on any swing. They may be full, but they're there. When all those tables in the new pit by the steakhouse are open ($25 tables), there are a lot more open seats than there used to be, so wonging is much less painful (you can actually find a seat at another table when you wong out).



Active Member

sucks, $25 tables, packed with welfare cashing people or old Asian ladies. Has the feel of Bally's in AC, if that tells you anything.