

Unable to find it

The link dead ends on me. Is this in operation?

Oops, that page doesn't seem to exist.

Whatever it is you're looking for, it's not here.

Please go back to the AIM Chat main page and try again.


standard toaster

Well-Known Member
Yeah it stopped working because no one ever used it.

Im actually in the process of finishing up my club promoting site which offers service at nearly 700% off.

What im going to do after i finish up the basics is integrate a password protected chat page on a sub section of my site. Hopefully this one can take off a bit. Maybe i can promote the site as it promotes me. Ill probably finish it up tomorrow.

heres the beginning of it.
... i still have to get a domain name and all that crap :juggle: but hopefully it will work out.

standard toaster

Well-Known Member
ok heres the new one

(Dead link:

this one is on my own site so it will always be there.
You can register and keep your name secure (it takes about 20 sec)
it was say it sent you a verification email but you dont have to actually verify anything. Just log in and your set