Checks play, doubling hard...


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
You need to feel out the dealer.
At my candyshop, most dealers will call chexplay if you switch from red to green. You might go from four red to one green and you'll get it, while jumping four red to eight red won't.
Ouch! Checks play on green.........I'd never survive.


Just play red

The obvious solution is to just play red chips. When they try to pay you in green, request red. I am guessing this is so obvious it didn't need to be said but you never know.
paddywhack said:
Ouch! Checks play on green.........I'd never survive.
Now your just being funny:rolleyes: lol Made me laugh, good one paddywhack.

You must give me some credit though, I would say 90% of what I have learned is by myself trial and error.

I started I started with Thorpe and then Reveres Playing blackjack as a business. I had nothing else to go on till I started coming here in februray. I am just now starting to really post. Over 125 posts now. Most of which I get ridiculed for play. No problems with that right now just commenting. Just giving you my blackjack backround.

I spent a couple years before I ever started casino play fine tuning. Throwing out useless information and keeping detailed logs. Pretty much building my own system that I have forgot a lot of. My profit over since I started posting here has actually gone down, way down more than I care to admit. But due to the fact that thatis what I want. TO add cover and extend longevity.

Between going to community college for my General Contractors degree.

Spending a lot of free time in the libraries research things I really didn't have too.

Working a 4p.m.-8p.m. job living with 5 other people in a 2 bedroom apartment for two years. most of our money minus living expenses and gas for our two vehicles, going towards cannabis.

I could not afford internet. I had really no idea of the other books till after I started going to the casinos, building up my contracting reputation. I had no idea about the game you guys were playing, my system sent red flags up everywhere now I understand that this was just them bluffing, minus one tap on the shoulder. so I decided to sacrifice what I had been doing for added cover, now its a mix.

I had no Idea what blackjack help was out there. :rolleyes:

I learned I would rather sacrifice profit for cover and learn your guys way.

Has cost me a lot and that is being dead serious. But the potential added longevity, is worth it.

So 90% what I know was self taught up till about February.

From side counts to all the little things in a casino that you don't know if no one ever told you watch for.

I can tell you that my first trip I was made as a counter. Never going to for get my first dealer and fifth hand. First thing he said, in a very Asian voice, "You play blackjack before" I responded no sir. Five hands in I am splitting aces hitting 10's on both. He goes, "Oh, no you play blackjack before" to which I respond with my pointer and thumb close together, "maybe a little".

For being self taught I was doing pretty good. And been doing good ever since. I really have sacrificed profit on my system by incorporating it within you systems. My bankrolls last a hell of a lot longer though and I thank you guys for that.

I got my third book 2 weeks ago and another within the last week.

But a 21k profit from blackjack speaks for it self. Short short sessions I play now.

I am just asking for help here and I receive a lot of deserved sarcasm and more that is not. Like this thread, more than 60% of the responded posts hint sarcasm or a just plain laughable feeling.

I asked a serious question for the way I play. I got my serious answer and could have quit posting after that, but I always have to put my two cents in.

Sorry so long, just frustrated, I hope it didn't come off wrong.

Thanks for reading. :eek:

4 years of play now.
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I mean even after all the criticism and sarcasm and just laughable feelings I get, that should count for something.

Again I hope that did not come off the wrong way, I mean it in the most sincere way possible.

I want to get better to add longevity, thats it, if I can add longevity and advantage, point me in the right direction. To be taught one must be lead and I am getting almost none of that.

I have had a couple people point me in the right direction to things where I can learn without the interaction, but I quite like interaction.

For someone to learn they must be lead first. Contradicting myself I know :rolleyes: but what can you do but help!!!

So whats up. My counting system is down pat, no help there. My bankroll management is manageable but would still like to like talk to someone private message only now about improving it. I am almost done posting publicly. I don't want to, but it seems I am being forced.

Thank you for any and all responses. More appreciated than it seems.:eek:


ringlejames said:
I am just asking for help here and I receive a lot of deserved sarcasm and more that is not. Like this thread, more than 60% of the responded posts hint sarcasm or a just plain laughable feeling.

I asked a serious question for the way I play. I got my serious answer and could have quit posting after that, but I always have to put my two cents in.
I have a problem with your hard doubling. I think some good luck has made you think some bad plays are profitable. Get a copy of Blackjack Attack (third edition). It will tell you how to mathematically generate the proper RC adjustments for side counting for a hand match up and play. Some good old hand calculations from the EOR charts and you have your answer. Even if you don't change anything because of it the learning process from the number crunching will greatly enhance your understanding of the game. I think everyone should do this at one point or another to round out their BJ knowledge. You can't get that from running sims or studying charts.


Active Member
ringlejames said:
I am just asking for help here and I receive a lot of deserved sarcasm and more that is not. Like this thread, more than 60% of the responded posts hint sarcasm or a just plain laughable feeling.

I asked a serious question for the way I play. I got my serious answer and could have quit posting after that, but I always have to put my two cents in.

Sorry so long, just frustrated, I hope it didn't come off wrong.

Thanks for reading. :eek:

4 years of play now.
I wouldn't take people's jabs/jokes personally on the forum. Any sarcasm you face is well worth getting your questions answered.

Let's be honest, some of these threads would be pretty boring without posters' personality sprinkled throughout. Good mix of info and humor if you ask me.

Just my take.

tthree said:
I have a problem with your hard doubling. I think some good luck has made you think some bad plays are profitable. Get a copy of Blackjack Attack (third edition). It will tell you how to mathematically generate the proper RC adjustments for side counting for a hand match up and play. Some good old hand calculations from the EOR charts and you have your answer. Even if you don't change anything because of it the learning process from the number crunching will greatly enhance your understanding of the game. I think everyone should do this at one point or another to round out their BJ knowledge. You can't get that from running sims or studying charts.
Thanks three, building up my blackjack library. After I leave here, its ordered.

Again thanks, after this next contract job I think I am going to use it so I can stay home for a while before I go back. I might not change too much, but at least I will "have a better understanding".

Appreciate your advice, both blunt and kind which is something I can tolerate. :)
SandBaggins said:
I wouldn't take people's jabs/jokes personally on the forum. Any sarcasm you face is well worth getting your questions answered.

Let's be honest, some of these threads would be pretty boring without posters' personality sprinkled throughout. Good mix of info and humor if you ask me.

Just my take.

Yeah I guess your right. My life makes me look at things a lot different than most.

I guess without a voice to the name, in the posting world I am the big bang theory's equivalent to Sheldon. Just don't understand sarcasm sometimes when I have to read it on a forum. Sheldon just doesn't understand sarcasm period. LOL If you ever seen that show big bang theory you would have cracked up.


ringlejames said:
Yeah I guess your right. My life makes me look at things a lot different than most.

I guess without a voice to the name, in the posting world I am the big bang theory's equivalent to Sheldon. Just don't understand sarcasm sometimes when I have to read it on a forum. Sheldon just doesn't understand sarcasm period. LOL If you ever seen that show big bang theory you would have cracked up.
Great show. The odd brain of the extremely intelligent is represented well if exaggerated some for comic effect. I like the one were they find out how many paychecks Sheldon hasn't cashed because he doesn't need the money. So many people make the chasing of the material what their life is all about they just can't get the concept that life is really about much more and having enough is all you need.

I was on the green chip forum of a different site and everyone was lamenting the lose of great playing conditions while bragging about how they burned the games for everyone. You have a nice cool spring in the desert which all but guarantees a long cool drink whenever you need it why poison the spring.

The other one that comes to mind is the farmer who grows only the top dollar crops and kills his soil because they are so hard on it. He starts complaining about the cost of building the soil up and the man hours required. His neighbor in the rich bottomland rotates his crops so the one puts back what another takes away. He is happy with what the soil will bear. The native americans out produced them all with their planting trio of corn, beans and squash in the same hill. They provide immediately for the needs of the others.

Know what is enough and there will always be plenty. This latest economic downturn shows the perils of excess.


Well-Known Member
Double hard 13 and 15?????

ringlejames said:
Since my first trip, I have refrained from major tipping.

My question however, do you think tipping an asshole dealer that screams out checks play or doubling hot13, or doubling hot15 etc.... etc...
If you continue to double hard 13 and 15, you're going to have to sell your house and car.....