paddywhack said:
Ouch! Checks play on green.........I'd never survive.
Now your just being funny

lol Made me laugh, good one paddywhack.
You must give me some credit though, I would say 90% of what I have learned is by myself trial and error.
I started I started with Thorpe and then Reveres Playing blackjack as a business. I had nothing else to go on till I started coming here in februray. I am just now starting to really post. Over 125 posts now. Most of which I get ridiculed for play. No problems with that right now just commenting. Just giving you my blackjack backround.
I spent a couple years before I ever started casino play fine tuning. Throwing out useless information and keeping detailed logs. Pretty much building my own system that I have forgot a lot of. My profit over since I started posting here has actually gone down, way down more than I care to admit. But due to the fact that thatis what I want. TO add cover and extend longevity.
Between going to community college for my General Contractors degree.
Spending a lot of free time in the libraries research things I really didn't have too.
Working a 4p.m.-8p.m. job living with 5 other people in a 2 bedroom apartment for two years. most of our money minus living expenses and gas for our two vehicles, going towards cannabis.
I could not afford internet. I had really no idea of the other books till after I started going to the casinos, building up my contracting reputation. I had no idea about the game you guys were playing, my system sent red flags up everywhere now I understand that this was just them bluffing, minus one tap on the shoulder. so I decided to sacrifice what I had been doing for added cover, now its a mix.
I had no Idea what blackjack help was out there.
I learned I would rather sacrifice profit for cover and learn your guys way.
Has cost me a lot and that is being dead serious. But the potential added longevity, is worth it.
So 90% what I know was self taught up till about February.
From side counts to all the little things in a casino that you don't know if no one ever told you watch for.
I can tell you that my first trip I was made as a counter. Never going to for get my first dealer and fifth hand. First thing he said, in a very Asian voice, "You play blackjack before" I responded no sir. Five hands in I am splitting aces hitting 10's on both. He goes, "Oh, no you play blackjack before" to which I respond with my pointer and thumb close together, "maybe a little".
For being self taught I was doing pretty good. And been doing good ever since. I really have sacrificed profit on my system by incorporating it within you systems. My bankrolls last a hell of a lot longer though and I thank you guys for that.
I got my third book 2 weeks ago and another within the last week.
But a 21k profit from blackjack speaks for it self. Short short sessions I play now.
I am just asking for help here and I receive a lot of deserved sarcasm and more that is not. Like this thread, more than 60% of the responded posts hint sarcasm or a just plain laughable feeling.
I asked a serious question for the way I play. I got my serious answer and could have quit posting after that, but I always have to put my two cents in.
Sorry so long, just frustrated, I hope it didn't come off wrong.
Thanks for reading.
4 years of play now.