Chumash New Single Deck


Chumash Casino in Santa Barbara has a new Single Deck. No double down except 10 or 11, 1 card after splitting aces, only split once, black jack pays 6:5.....
You get only 5-6 hands playing heads up

Just wanted to see your guys opinions on this.....


Well-Known Member
blackjack at the Chumash

If the Chumash Casino were located in Vegas or perhaps even Riverside or San Diego Counties in CA, it would be a complete blackjack joke and shunned by all but the most unknowledgable.
Besides the brand new 6/5 trash, their other game is a 6 deck H-17 with no late surrender that they cut off about 2.5 decks from as if they need to protect a horrible game in the first place. They appear to be totally paranoid without reason. They also have RFID chips and since they comp hardly anything more than a meal, they must be trying to evaluate players as if a counter would play their game.
There is a certain pit type there who must get the call whenever a big bettor is doing well and he stands over the table, tounge hanging out and looking straight at the player.
Poker room is ok I heard but blackjack is a total joke.


The Mayor

Well-Known Member
I agree, but not totally


You mention that you heard their poker room is ok. FALSE. They rake $4 out of every pot, no matter the limit on the game. With tokes, that is over a 20% house edge on their low-limit games.


Well-Known Member
Mayor is right

The only thing worth going to Chumash for are there tournaments. You aren't going to make a lot of money, but if you have a clue what you are doing you can have some fun winning a little. Also don't bother eating there, go to the Big Bopper in Solvang, excellent burgers!


Well-Known Member
You mean up to 4%?

Chumash use to have a good game years ago. Nothing but a bunch a scared sweathogs on the staff today. The BJ game really is a joke. I'll take the poker game over the BJ.


Active Member
$4 rake upon the flop?

At one of the Florida cardrooms (Dania Jai-Lai) there is a minmum $1 rake regardless. In the $1,$2 Stud game, played without ante, the bring-in had one caller. There was no betting. The winner of the showdown got his dollar back. The other dollar went to the house.

If it's a $2,$4 Hold'em game you're talking about, if only the blinds see the flop and it's checked through, the entire $4 pot would go down the rake slot and the "winner" would get zero. Tell me it's not true.

FWIW, the $10,$20 Hold'em game at Sam's Town in Tunica operates on a 5% rake to $2 max. 5% to $4 is excessive, 10% to $4 is more than excessive and a flat $4 is an obscenity.

I would never grace the Chumash with my patronage.


Well-Known Member
What a ripp-off.

This is the only casino I'm aware of that downright steals at poker tables.
Most have a rake of "up to" X amount.


Well-Known Member
No competition

Not saying that this is what happens everywhere but when you have no competition, a very affluent area, no regulation, and enough suckers to fill your tables you can easily get something like the Chumash.
Went there for the first time in about 6 months to see if blackjack had improved and if not to see what kind of comp points (that could be converted to cash) I had. Noticed that the dealers who were the ones who gave penetration were not there and that penetration was well over 2 decks! Had a meal and cashed what I could and left.

The Chumash is I believe over 200 miles away from the nearest casino.


Well-Known Member

You seem to be implying the dealers who gave good pen were fired. I dont think this is the case. You can go back next year and see new faces again. I'm sure a cheesy place like the Shew has a great deal of turn over...dealers will change with the weather. No competition is not the reason they have a bad game,sweat is. Once upon a time, the Shuu-wee actually had a decent blackjack game.


Well-Known Member
did not mean they fired them

I did not mean they fired them, and it had been some time since I had played there but I keep notes on dealers and found out that X and Y went to Riverside County and Z is back in Vegas etc.

Sweating a bad game and they certainly do, I find bordering on ridiculous. If you want to present a good game and then sweat it as they do in a few places in Vegas, I understand that and appreciate the challenge of the sweat with the reward of the good game. When you have a game not worth playing and then sweat it, it leaves me scratching my head and laughing at them.
Still think if another place appeared a half hour away from them they might be forced to improve things but you may be right and the ploppies have no clue at all.



Active Member
You are absolutely correct about the effect of competition.

It's a peculiar phenomenon in that comptition breeds the best playing conditions for the patrons <u>and</u> increased volume for the clubs. I don't think the description "Win-Win" would be technially accurate, but you know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
But no one can build one next door

It would be nice if there was another casino built by another tribe closeby but that is very unlikely. In the meantime it is my understanding that they are extremely profitable and we all know they are extremely greedy.


Sun runner

Well-Known Member
Patrons and volumes

> It's a peculiar phenomenon in that competition breeds
> the best playing conditions for the patrons and increased volume for the clubs.

Generally I would agree but this gambling thing that seems to be sweeping the landscape twists that tried and true axiom. It seems they can contstantly water down the attractions and their 'patrons' keep coming. Of course, I suppose, from one bad casino to the next you might be able to say competion might count for something. Maybe.

And by the way .. you and I are NOT the patrons. Primarily the casino business plan today seems to be keeping a facade of 'let's gamble!' but in truth it is only concerned with how best to market to net losers with more disposable income than good sense. They already have the deginerates hooked by the ass so they don't concern themselves with them at all.

People like us; it's the same as it always has been. See what's offered, today, then look for a flaw, a weakness, or an advanatge to overcome it.

Sun runner

Well-Known Member

> .. and we all know they are extremely greedy.

Can you blame them? Wouldn't you be?

You say 'greed' like it is a bad thing. :)


Well-Known Member
The essence of Advantage Play

> See what's offered, today, then look for a flaw, a weakness, or an advanatge
> to overcome it.

That single sentence says it all.

We've already beaten the pitch games, the shoe games, the CSMs, the weak hand shuffles, the front loaders, the spookers, the numerous sidebets, and everything else they've thrown at us. They keep changing the game and we keep finding new ways to beat it legally. Sure, they're not making it easy for us, but the most profitable strategies are the ones the casinos don't know about!
