Chumash update Feb 2007


Well-Known Member
Went to Chumash this weekend, located 30 mins away from Santa Barbara.

I had heard bad things about it on these forums dated from 2005 (BJ pays 6:5). But, I had also heard that they really shaped up the place from where it was a few years ago.

Sadly, when i got there, there were no $5 tables.

So i pondered for a bit and sat down at a 10, only putting $60 down. after a losing a bit, i got up to $180 or so. left the table came back later and hovered around 150 for a bit and then quit a little up before luck ran out.

they had about 4-6 $10 tables. 6 deck shoes. looked like they were cutting at about 4 decks, so what is that 66% penetration? BJ pays 3:2. Hit soft 17. Double on anything. No surrender. BJ pays 3:2 was NOT indicated on any tables.

But there was a weird play or two where someone tried to hit on splitting something and the dealer would only give them one card, since it was an ace. or something really weird i didn't understand it.

Now in the course of 1-2 hours of play I had about 4 different dealers. Each one of them made mistakes. really big mistakes. and in each case the pit boss ruled in favor of the house or the dealer didn't grab a pit boss!

ex 1: dealer hit to 21, but either thought she busted or hit to like 19. dealer paid out 3 "winnings" then realized her mistake, and tried to get the money back. it didn't affect me, thankfully, but it was a really weird fuck up.

#2: person in position one stood on 12 or 13 against dealer low card, but the dealer hit person number 1 anyway - with a queen. person number 2 had 11, was indicating that he wanted a card. pit boss came over and fucked the whole hand up, said the queen was a "burner card" forced everyone to play the hand, 4 out of 5 of us lost on it. pit boss made the wrong move. again, didn't really affect me but was really a bad call.

#3: all dealers were really sloppy, cards flying all over, one almost hit the back rail, it was my card, put my hand out to grab it, then decided not to touch it. cards were all over the place. one dealer gave really bad advice on a few occasions, telling someone that doubling on a 10 vs 2 was not a good move. i did it a few hands later and won on it :) another dealer giving bad advice mildly advised someone not to split sixes (it was called for), player did anyway, splitting one again, and i think they even doubled on a hand, and won on each hand.

most players were really friendly, had a good time with a few positioned near me. overall i had a great time. really wish they had $5 tables. lucky for me i did ok. one dealer was really fun, a little sloppy, but fun.

first time i ever had a black chip. now i got a fever for more.


Well-Known Member
Almost all places, if you split aces, you can't draw any more cards.

Some places, if you split aces, and get another ace, you can resplit. Seems many don't allow this. That explain the weird rule?


Well-Known Member
Your problem #2

In most houses, when a card is given by mistake to the wrong player, the house will burn it as the Chumash did. The problem with that pit person is what they did not do next, that is they will then give the players the right to opt out of the hand since the cards are now "out of order". This is how it is resolved in most places and I have seen it done this way and your way at the Chumash.
What is necessary is for a player to speak up and ask the pit to get his/her supervisor over.

One problem at many casinos today is that there are too many dual rates. Basically these are dealers who are often being forced to work a day or two in the pit. They hate it because they earn less than they would have if they were dealing and it shows in attitude sometimes.
