Closed and Erased Portions of Threads


aslan said:
Just a thought -- sometimes a thread just naturally leads into an off-topic subject. It's too bad one cannot just click some kind of branching button to send it to a new thread in it's own right.
Thats what mods are really supposed to do. zg


zengrifter said:
Remember, they also laughed at the Wright Bros! zg
QFIT said:
And as Carl Sagan once said, they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.
I am reminded of the phenomena of Expert Bias: The more expert one becomes in a field,
the greater the resistance to assimilating information that can undermine their expertise. z:eyepatch:g


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Thats what mods are really supposed to do. zg
Yes, but they act like it is such an imposition. Why can't you posters just stick to the subject?! Actually, oftentimes the off topic comments are the only worthwhile parts of the thread. Of course, I don't blame them for cutting the religious and political comments "up to a point." After all, we are many faceted persons with political and religious dimensions that cannot easily, or even reasonably, be compartmentalized. That's part of the problem of living in a totalitarian state, people become one dimensional and soulless. At least, BJINFO comprises only a small portion of our lives, but think of all our other activities where the same kind of compartmentalization is required-- add them all up and we ARE living in a sort of totalitarian state.

Walter T.

aslan said:
It might be beneficial when a mod closes or erases portions of threads (such as in Walter Thomason Needs Feedback, that somewhere the offending posts are recorded so we each know who was responsible for the action taken. It would be helpful that each person knows what it was that crossed the line, and so help them to reform future posts to avoid locking or erasure.

I could be off in left field, but wasn't a great portion of Walter Thomason... erased? What caused it? Who caused it? If known, maybe some of us would confine our comments to what is Board Acceptable in future posts. Just a thought.
My only concern regarding the blocking of that thread is that questions were asked and a request was made and I was not allowed to respond. In spite of the motivation of the poster, I've always attempted to give an honest and sincere answer to the question or request.


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
Maybe, the correct protocol, given the tools we have at hand, would be to copy the post (to which the off topic response is made) to a new thread and begin from there.
If the "branched" topic is appropriate material for one of our forums then it will get moved and start a new thread. If the branched material is inappropriate then it will be deleted. Unfortunately the mods are not able to move threads to the ZenZone since it is a separate website, so anything that belongs there gets deleted.



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
If the "branched" topic is appropriate material for one of our forums then it will get moved and start a new thread. If the branched material is inappropriate then it will be deleted. Unfortunately the mods are not able to move threads to the ZenZone since it is a separate website, so anything that belongs there gets deleted.

Maybe you could PM it to zg and he could copy and paste it to the ZZ. :laugh: Just a thought. Peace.