

Active Member
I know in order to get comps you want to look like someone the casino wants to keep around. So what do you guys normally do, go in full Armani suit or what? Also wouldn't that attract attention and blow whatever camo you tried to have?


Nuh-vad-uh said:
I know in order to get comps you want to look like someone the casino wants to keep around. So what do you guys normally do, go in full Armani suit or what? Also wouldn't that attract attention and blow whatever camo you tried to have?

I usally go down to my local Good Will store or resale shop before I go to the casino. I's look's real sharp playing those $50 Min tables !


Well-Known Member
I dress comfortably, usually in jeans. Better to look poor and not be a target for thieves. Comps are based on play and not what you look like.


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere that being slightly nicely dressed is "most likely to be a counter" image to the casino.

The "least likely to be a counter" was wearing a suit/tux.

Oh course, I would imagine dressing like a homeless person would be good too.


Well-Known Member
rags or riches

There are two disciplines of thought in playing here to ponder. One is that counters look hungry and dress with a baseball cap as not to be ided or a good picture. The other is if you sit at a higher stakes table you want to look the part. If I had the money to sit at a higher stakes table I would act and dress like money is no problem. You have to take your age and few other things into account when dressing the part. If I had a wad of c notes but was dressed like a bum than you will be treated as such. If you dress like a gentleman you usually will be treated as such. Casinos are less likely to hassle a well dressed person than someone of lesser means. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
Usually, I stick with coatl, tails, top hat, and white gloves.

I only bring the cane on formal occassions.

(But seriously, I've also heard that for youngish players, either dressing like a slob or a hipster doofus is considered a tell. The again, that's what most youngish players are dressed like).
It mostly depends on the act I'm planning on using. It also depends on how others are dressed. For the traveling salesman/man of vice act, a disheveled jacket and tie is the ticket. If I want to look a little bit mentally disturbed, the Aqualung costume comes out. Stoned: grossly temperature inappropriate clothing.


Well-Known Member
I like a collared shirt and jeans. Maybe a plain T-shirt. Wear a nice watch/gold chains if you want to try to look rich. Look like you're going to play golf; you're on vacation, but you don't look like a total hobo.

The other option is a nice jogging suit, and some gold chains. Go for the drug dealer look. Maybe an oversized jersey. Expect to not get asked what you do for a living...
This is what I do... GO COMFORTABLE. Lets face it, the casino can be cold, it is generally smokey, you may be there for a while. I have found on so many occasions you can't tell someone's means by their attire. Generally look presentable, be polite, and wear a nice watch... The subtle touches generally get noticed the strongest.


Well-Known Member
You want to fit in with the crowd.Obviously you'll dress different for the El Cortez than the Mirage.
When you get to the point where you need camo,then you can research which conventions are in town and try to fit in with them.An Armani suit may blend in with the medical malpractice crowd but stick out during Rodeo week(which seems to be every other month or so).
Wearing Blackbelt in Blackjack tshirts is always a fashion faux pas.


Well-Known Member
Dress like everybody else at the casino is dressing. A litle nicer if you're playing high limit tables.

Make sure your watch and your wallet match the amount of money you're playing. You can find extraordinarily cheap, but expensive-looking stuff at Chinatown.


Well-Known Member
The key to most of these answers

Fit in. Fit in for both the casino and for the bet level. Also if it is a special time in Vegas, say Rodeo, get yourself a Stetson, the right clothing and either a little accent or a story about how you grew up in New York, Boston, Chicago etc, always loved cowboy stuff and now take in the rodeo and ambiance of it most years.
Get something a little sleasy but still looking fairly expense if you are in town during a porno convention.

Just disappear in the crowd, be invisible at least at first glance. And yes, go to the thrift store if you must play at the Western and to make your act really effective, see if you can panhandle your buyin in front of the joint:grin:



ihate17 said:
Fit in. Fit in for both the casino and for the bet level. Also if it is a special time in Vegas, say Rodeo, get yourself a Stetson, the right clothing and either a little accent or a story about how you grew up in New York, Boston, Chicago etc, always loved cowboy stuff and now take in the rodeo and ambiance of it most years.
Get something a little sleasy but still looking fairly expense if you are in town during a porno convention.

Just disappear in the crowd, be invisible at least at first glance. And yes, go to the thrift store if you must play at the Western and to make your act really effective, see if you can panhandle your buyin in front of the joint:grin:

I try to pretty much blend for the most part but, If the porno convention is in town I dont think I could concentrate on BJ, UH thats Blackjack....Pugi