CNE Casino Open

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
If you don't live in TO not worth the trip. 6 deck H17 80% pen. $25 table max though they have multi-action so you could spread to 3x25....if you get a seat and they don't deal hole cards so no AP that way. Don't accidentally sit at the "Charity Blackjack" tables they have where ties go to the house. If you can play roulette with an advantage they have a bunch of old wheels, some of them are cast offs from Casino Niagara, might be worth a look.

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member

The CNE grounds. Lakeshore Blvd. and Dufferin St. Toronto.
I don't know the name of the building it's in.


Well-Known Member
moo321 said:
Where is this place?


Try Your Luck at the CNE Casino

This year the Casino will operate for 35 days from July 30th to September 3rd, 2007. Located in the North East corner of the Better Living Centre, it is open from Noon to 6 AM daily*.

A popular annual draw, the CNE Casino features a variety of games including Multi-action Blackjack, Roulette, WAR, Spanish 21 and Three Card Poker. In addition to the private air-conditioned Texas Hold ‘em Poker area, the casino offers a beautiful outdoor patio. Guests can also enjoy nightly live entertainment and order from a selection of favourite midway treats. The Casino Patio is licensed under the LLBO.

For information on our 18 Texas Hold 'em Poker tables, please call 416-263-3251. For general Casino inquiries please contact the casino office at 416-263-3852.


Well-Known Member
So they did end up going with six decks. Hmm. Still has a .72% house edge. Beatable with some good wonging.

FYI: The poker room is Limit, not No Limit.


Count your payouts VERY carefully. I was there for two hours last Sunday afternoon, and in that time had 3 different dealers. There were at least a dozen instances of not paying out properly, they were particularly forgetting the 3.2 payout for BJs. Also there was lucky ladies and that seemed to cause problems multiplying by 9, 19 etc. However, on the flip side, the dealers were almost just as bad for paying on a push, which nobody seemed to have a problem with. I wasn't crazy about the people at my table being allowed to reach over each other and place LL bets, or even DD and splitting bets on someone else's hand. But its way closer to home than Vegas and starting this weekend I can play BJ and eat Tiny Tom donuts to my hearts content. Roll on Tuesday.;)

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
Coz123 said:
Count your payouts VERY carefully. I was there for two hours last Sunday afternoon, and in that time had 3 different dealers. There were at least a dozen instances of not paying out properly, they were particularly forgetting the 3.2 payout for BJs. Also there was lucky ladies and that seemed to cause problems multiplying by 9, 19 etc. However, on the flip side, the dealers were almost just as bad for paying on a push, which nobody seemed to have a problem with. I wasn't crazy about the people at my table being allowed to reach over each other and place LL bets, or even DD and splitting bets on someone else's hand. But its way closer to home than Vegas and starting this weekend I can play BJ and eat Tiny Tom donuts to my hearts content. Roll on Tuesday.;)
Getting inexperienced dealers is the best part of your EV for that particular game. As long as you're on your game 100% to track what you should be paid you'll make money on their errors and never get shorted. Also reaching across to buy other peoples doubles, offensive splits, insurance (+3) and Lucky Ladies (+7) is a great way to bump up your EV with that $25 table max rule. Grift as many opportunities as you can find.


Well-Known Member
Bleh, I did bad.

I went, but it was a bit later a night. All the tables were $25 max AND min. I didn't have a bankroll to support a $25 bet. Which is too bad, because the dealers are sloppy as hell. At least twice per shoe, I saw some dealers drawing a hole card (by mistake) *AND* exposing it by mistake-- and then giving the player the option of taking it, giving it to the dealer (as the dealer's hole), or burning it! Wow. I wish I did have the roll to play that game.

Not playing a game where I'd have a high ROR is a good thing. If only I'd kept it up.

There were some $5/$10 tables, marked "Charity casino". 4 deck, s17-- BJ pays 2-1. Wow, that's good, there must be a catch. Yup, "Dealer wins all ties". Somehow, I seemed to recall that giving the house a ~2% edge. Kinda sorta beatable. I had $60, more than enough to cover 10 "big" bets. I backcounted. 4 decks goes by fast, so there was always a table to count. One shoots up to TC +6-- sit down, win a hand, count goes up, so I switch to $10. Then things go bad. I lose a hand-- to a tie. Next hand, $10 out, split aces for 21 21, and even buy a double-down off someone (who had a 10 vs. dealer 5), and get 19. And the dealer-- gets 21 and wins. Next hand loses. I'm out. Bleh.

So I know I did wrong by betting $10. Too high a ROR (though I only wanted to win $20). But my bigger mistake was mis-estimating the rules.

Best I can find, "player loses ties 17-21" is something like a 8% house edge. If a player loses all ties-- ach, I don't even want to know. There's no feasible TC where that game is playable.

Colour me ploppy (and out $60). Lesson learned.

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
Dealer Ties

Yeah I through that rule in dealing a single-deck game for a friends stag. Table would have made money without it but I cleaned out everyone who came to the table.


Well-Known Member
halcyon1234 said:
Bleh, I did bad.

There were some $5/$10 tables, marked "Charity casino". 4 deck, s17-- BJ pays 2-1. Wow, that's good, there must be a catch. Yup, "Dealer wins all ties". Somehow, I seemed to recall that giving the house a ~2% edge. Kinda sorta beatable. I had $60, more than enough to cover 10 "big" bets. I backcounted. 4 decks goes by fast, so there was always a table to count. One shoots up to TC +6-- sit down, win a hand, count goes up, so I switch to $10. Then things go bad. I lose a hand-- to a tie. Next hand, $10 out, split aces for 21 21, and even buy a double-down off someone (who had a 10 vs. dealer 5), and get 19. And the dealer-- gets 21 and wins. Next hand loses. I'm out. Bleh.

So I know I did wrong by betting $10. Too high a ROR (though I only wanted to win $20). But my bigger mistake was mis-estimating the rules.

Best I can find, "player loses ties 17-21" is something like a 8% house edge. If a player loses all ties-- ach, I don't even want to know. There's no feasible TC where that game is playable.

Colour me ploppy (and out $60). Lesson learned.
Playing this game does make you the king of the ploppies! LOL. With the dealer winning pushes you are giving up 9.34% to the house. Even with you getting 2:1 on blackjacks, the house edge in this game is still over 7.5% which is massive. Next time just play the slots!


Well-Known Member
SystemsTrader said:
Playing this game does make you the king of the ploppies! LOL. With the dealer winning pushes you are giving up 9.34% to the house. Even with you getting 2:1 on blackjacks, the house edge in this game is still over 7.5% which is massive. Next time just play the slots!
Slots are amazing. Those flashing lights tell me that I'm important! =)

At least I did better than the other guy: My brother's dealing poker there. He was dealing the other day, and suddenly security comes up to one of the other tables. And when I say security, I mean the pit boss, two security guards, the head of security, and three police officers. After every player there was done crapping their pants, the pit boss turns to the DEALER and says "You'll have to leave now."

Yeah, you see-- if you deal at a casino, you shouldn't play at that casino, too. Even during a different shift. Especially at a casino that's only the size of small high-school gymnasium. Especially not when it's a government run casino-- run by a branch of the government that is currently under a HUGE microscope for internal-fraud related problems.


Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
They went through all that to bust a guy while he was at work? Realistically the PB could have just asked him to take a break. Either they really wanted to put on a show or he got tagged for something more naughty than playing at a home casino. I think the poker games there are hand shuffled no? since the jobs are hired off the street for a 1 month stint of the casino being open, perhaps a card mechanic (or aspiring cheat) got himself a job so his buddies could play poker at his table. I may be in TO this week, I'll have to check it out.


Well-Known Member
IIRC, the poker is Hold'em Limit, with $2/$5 and $10/$20 tables, with a cap of $100 on any single bet.

Also: You can get into The Ex after 5pm for $5.

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
You sat at the wrong tables. The "ties lose" charity section is only a small cluster of tables at one end. The main tables are 6d, H17, ENHC, DAS, DOA. Some have LL. Pen is good but $25 max kills any chance of a spread. You could wong in and out of the multi-action tables for two hands of 3 X $25...but good luck getting a seat, the place is packed.