Color of blackjack


Well-Known Member
For those of you that use this system, do you find it difficult to memorize the betting schedule for different levels of penetration?

I wonder if the added gain justifies the additional complexity.

Also, has anybody run some simulations comparing performance of this system to KO with at least a 1 to 16 spread? Results?



Active Member
MJ1 said:
For those of you that use this system, do you find it difficult to memorize the betting schedule for different levels of penetration?

I wonder if the added gain justifies the additional complexity.

Also, has anybody run some simulations comparing performance of this system to KO with at least a 1 to 16 spread? Results?

I did not find it hard at all. I really like the visual aspect of mapping the discard tray to the bet ramp. I've worked really hard at becoming very good at deck estimation for this and other reasons. You really only need to memorize 4 positions in the shoe so I didn't find it added any real complexity. Once you memorize the running count needed for the first 4 decks played the half-decks fall into line quite easily.

I've run many custom simulations on both as well as the included simulations for Color of Blackjack and KO preferred and KO Full in CVCX. They appear to be almost identical with a slight edge going to Color of Blackjack because it allows earlier betting opportunities and avoids over betting later in the shoe. This is all discussed in more detail in the book which is worth reading. Plus, if you're a visual person like myself, the added charts make everything fall right into place.

I'm sure you've already been to the site but here it is anyway. (Archive copy)

Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response. Does the book include charts for the 8-deck game?

How much of an improvement in SCORE did you notice when comparing CKO to KO-P? What were the parameters of the games you simmed?



Active Member
Yes. The book includes charts for SD, DD, 4D, 6D & 8D.

As far as SCORE goes, I don't have the charts in front of me but they were very similar. If I remember correctly Color of Blackjack started to generate a better score when I custom simmed my "wonging" strategy and spreading to 2 hands. I'll try and run them again to give you exact figures with the rules I sim.


Well-Known Member
Two cents!

I don't think there really is complexity in using the system it the variance that may get you. The system takes you to the edge of overbetiing but that is just an oppinion. The system was something I was using naturally without knowing it before the book came out. I found that your br has to be able to take a bigger hit and that's not always easy to stomach. Wild swings can happen and wants to make you rethink what your doing.:eek:


Well-Known Member
MrSmith said:
Yes. The book includes charts for SD, DD, 4D, 6D & 8D.

As far as SCORE goes, I don't have the charts in front of me but they were very similar. If I remember correctly Color of Blackjack started to generate a better score when I custom simmed my "wonging" strategy and spreading to 2 hands. I'll try and run them again to give you exact figures with the rules I sim.
Thanks, that would be helpful to myself and other players. Wonging is great, but if you could provide some simulations for reverse wonging (playing off the top and then leaving the shoe) that would be most useful.

MJ1 said:
Thanks for the response. Does the book include charts for the 8-deck game?

How much of an improvement in SCORE did you notice when comparing CKO to KO-P? What were the parameters of the games you simmed?

I just started running some COB sims and as soon as I figure out how to shrink the charts down, I'll post some for you. I got a SCORE of 18.06 with COB using the KO-Full indices, vs a 17.18 for the regular KO Full and 16.90 for KO Preferred (4.5/6, S17 DAS, 1-10 spread).

As for the additional complexity, I've found it easier to remember RC - 14 = (number of units) for a 6D game, and RC - 22 = (number of units) for an 8D game (1-10 spread, of course). This takes care of the black bet ramp, and as for the float bets, you can use your own discretion and not be too far off either way, I think.

Ok, I realized I didn't give you the SCORE for the 1-16 spread. Again, my sims are using the KO-Full indices. It's what I play, and remembering the 18 plays (excluding surrender) would not be exceptionally difficult for anyone, I don't think, for additional benefit. I'm not much of a sim guy, to be honest, so if there's something specific you'd like me to sim, then let me know. Otherwise, I only sim my play style and table conditions. I'm much more practical than theoretical :laugh:

For a 1-16 spread, 4.5/6 S17 DAS:

Color of Blackjack with KO full indices: 24.58
Color of Blackjack with KO full - wong out at Daniel's numbers: 51.46
KO Full: 23.64
KO Preferred: 22.88

And Hi-Lo with Sweet 16 & Fab 4: 22.73
Hi-Lo Full indices: 25.07

another one I was interested in:

UBZII OS Composite as found here on this site: 25.48

Hope this helps,

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