Columbus and Penn National Reach a Deal!


Well-Known Member
The City of Columbus will annex the casino land and provide water and sewer to the new Penn National Casino. Opening date is still looking like late 2012 or 2013.
Columbus is hoping to get $250 Million over the next 10 years from the new casino. At least it's a major step forward to putting a shovel to the ground! :eek:



Coyote said:
Columbus is hoping to get $250 Million over the next 10 years from the new casino. At least it's a major step forward to putting a shovel to the ground!
That's all? Hardly seems worth it. zg


Well-Known Member
The Govna wants more?

I thought the more tax issue was not resolved yet? The Govna said he wants the casinos to pay thier fair share whatever that is? I heard that in Cleveland the construction has been halted along with Cincy. I really thought they halted all construction in the state on the casinos or am I wrong again.


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
I thought the more tax issue was not resolved yet? The Govna said he wants the casinos to pay thier fair share whatever that is? I heard that in Cleveland the construction has been halted along with Cincy. I really thought they halted all construction in the state on the casinos or am I wrong again.
Blackchipjim, the Toledo casino is progressing nicely. The main issue with the Columbus one was the water and wastewater issue which apparently is resolved. Cincy is on hold I believe due to the Mayor. Cleveland I thought was still on schedule. The Columbus casino had a ground breaking about a month ago without anyone from the city administration there! I thought that was very funny!



Well-Known Member
moo321 said:
Maybe we'll get some competition, and some better games. Probably not, though.
Truely doubt it Moo! The Ohio stores will be run by Caesars and Penn National. :whip:

I just hope they will be playable! :rolleyes:



Active Member
blackchipjim said:
I thought the more tax issue was not resolved yet? I heard that in Cleveland the construction has been halted along with Cincy. I really thought they halted all construction in the state on the casinos or am I wrong again.
Cincy was the only one in limbo with the tax debate, Cleveland is marching ahead. I believe the opening schedule for Cleveland is this time next year with just a retrofit of an existing structure.

I wonder if with all the states chasing new revenues and with all the casinos opening up over the next ten years if completion will drive more houses to offer better games in order to drive more traffic their way.


Well-Known Member
Marlin said:
Cincy was the only one in limbo with the tax debate, Cleveland is marching ahead. I believe the opening schedule for Cleveland is this time next year with just a retrofit of an existing structure.

I wonder if with all the states chasing new revenues and with all the casinos opening up over the next ten years if completion will drive more houses to offer better games in order to drive more traffic their way.

I sure hope that will be the case. For now, we will have to hurry up and wait!:rolleyes:



Well-Known Member

the way i understand it cincy had a crane erected, ready and able to start handling a steel order......
the govna uttered his take on the taxes and the casino powers that be canceled the steel order, shortly thereafter tore the crane down......
so apparently the joint is in limbo for almost a year longer....
crappin evil empire ( essentially a Harrahs with no hotel) anyway.....
the three joints in Indiana down on the river are probably laughin there a$$'$ off.