Dummy said:
I am working on a way to have a short term downswings statistic. So far every expert says there is no such statistic, so I will have to invent something. Without that there is no way to show what I am talking about through sims. You can't even seem to understand that. If you were an expert you would know that you are asking for something that hasn't been invented yet. Of course it is the perfect way to make a straw man argument, which is a tactic of someone that can't argue facts and instead, after realizing he has no valid argument to make, attacks the other person rather than the idea being debated. It is the tactic of someone that has no leg to stand on in the discussion. I am curious as to what you think ferreting out deck compositions that fair worse on the doubles and splits and maybe makes them more and doing something about it by betting them less and doubling and splitting less aggressively would do to those sessions where you play those deck compositions. Being a bit of a rhetorical question, as I think we all know that results in those session will not be as volatile and be far less likely to be negative. The EV will be slightly less but you will win more often and lose less when you lose. But you can't discuss that because we all know that is true. Instead you attack the poster instead of the idea because that is all you can do. You demand stats you know don't exist or worse, show how little you understand by believing long term stats will tell you anything about the short term. Statistically this shouldn't affect an AP. Just have the BR for the swings and fire away. But we don't play on a computer, we play in a casino. Things that help you get away with playing are a big asset. This would shape results and buy-ins in a way that helps casinos be more comfortable with letting you play while at the same time make your results more tolerable for you.
You seem to have an infinite capacity, somewhat like a person with Alzheimer's, to repeat the same thing over and over again and think that you are saying it for the first time. It's one of the strangest traits I've ever seen in an otherwise intelligent person. If I had to win a bet, I could take the time to find the above post, in one form or another, a HUNDRED times over the years. Do you think there's any possibility that you'll stop? Or do you think you can BEAT it out of us? That if you persist to do the same thing over and over again, you'll achieve a different result, and that suddenly, all those who read you will see the light? You understand that trying to do this is Einstein's definition of insanity.
Long-term variance, made up of chunks of discrete short-term variances, is additive. If I want to know what the variance of my total play is for, say, 100 hours, I can add smaller variances, 10 hours at a time, to get the global result. So, it is illogical to present an argument that says your long-term variance isn't affected, but each smaller period of time's variance is lower than usual. Because, if that were true, then the sum of the ten discrete periods would be lower than normal 100-hour variance is well. You haven't made a discovery to change the laws of mathematics.
And, so help me, if you answer this post with the SAME crap you've written 100 times, a) I won't read it, but, more importantly, b) I won't read anything else you write going forward.
Your blind stubbornness really has to stop. You think entirely too much of yourself. You have too much disdain for other intelligent people.
P.S. When asked to demonstrate mathematically the powers of TARGET, Jerry Patterson famously replied: "I can't. It's above the mathematics of the game." A few short months later, he was the laughingstock of the blackjack community and was never heard from again.
A word to the wise.