compensating for the ante


Well-Known Member
I have a question. Being from Oklahoma I see tons of BJ games and know they have awesome rules most of the time especially concerning the 6D games. The killer is the ante right? What is the expected return for promo's like 2/1 and the payouts promos for suited BJ's per hour (sorry don't have a sim yet or the mad scientist minds that a few of you heros of mine have lol)? And does this or could this amount compensate for the lost revenue per hour cannibalized by the ante? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
Antes are bad!

Just noticed your post. A month old and no replies. :sad:

I too am in Oklahoma and though I very much enjoy BJ, I refuse to play the ante games offered in OK. I can not do the math for you, but I know that it is -ev regardless of the rules. Probably somewhere between pass line on the craps table and double zero roullette even with good card counting play.

You are probably aware that some casinos offer no ante promotions. During those times, the games are not too bad.

The 2 to 1 BJ games are nice when you can find them, but they generally come with restrictions. For instance, I am aware of one in OK with the following limitations:
-only one table
-only open during busy times like Friday and Saturday night
-consequently it is hard to get a seat
-max bet is $25 (I think min is $2)
-I have not checked penetration, but I suspect bad
So not really a money maker, but for the recreational counter, it might be interesting assuming they don't sweat such a limited game. Work in a $2-$25 spread and see what happens.

BTW, I may have coined a new term:toast:
RC=recreational counter=somewhere between basic strategy player and advantage player
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Well-Known Member

Finrod. Thanks for the response. Actually Night Stalker was able to help me out to some degree. I appreciate the response my curiosity was the degree of ev relief especially if these promos were compounded which i've seen some casinos do like 2:1 plus suited BJ or 5 card charlie's at the same time, if that got it closer. found some answers on at, plus what NS told me. Once again I appreciate the help. What quad of the state do you play in? N, S, E, W? just curious might could swap a couple decent spots.



Well-Known Member
Did I?

Severity8 said:
Finrod. Thanks for the response. Actually Night Stalker was able to help me out to some degree. I appreciate the response my curiosity was the degree of ev relief especially if these promos were compounded which i've seen some casinos do like 2:1 plus suited BJ or 5 card charlie's at the same time, if that got it closer. found some answers on at, plus what NS told me. Once again I appreciate the help. What quad of the state do you play in? N, S, E, W? just curious might could swap a couple decent spots.

Can you please reply to one of my emails providing me your handle <Severity8> and this site reference? That would help me in relating you with this thread.
