complaints spreading to 2 hands


Well-Known Member
well im a fairly new counter and was just wondering what the thing is to do when spreading to 2 hands.

i was playing today at the $10 tables spreading about 8 units( 6d h17 das ls pen 1.3 decks off to under 1 deck) and i had some lady who couldn’t speak English start freaking out at my when im about to spread to 2 hands, pushing on my arm saying "ONLY ONE, ONLY ONE". Well rather then 2 bets of 40 i just did one of 60 because it was near the end of the shoe and the table had almost filled up. I ended up just leaving the table going to a near empty table and getting to play the way i wanted with no complaints or groans where the dealer pulls off 21 every time for 2 shoes which i find pretty entertaining as the dealer pulls off a 5 card 21 from their 6 and won't look you in the eye as he take your bet away of course at a true count of 6 to top thing off.:laugh:

But what should you do considering i need to keep longevity there playing 3-4 times a week for a hour or a little more but i don’t think there is any heat. This is also the only casino which i can play at so i have no other fall back casinos.

should i just split to my 2 hands when $10 betters start complaining or will this possibly bring any unwanted heat. Also i will be spreader to 1-15 i just didn't have enough money on me to do so. so it will be like 2 hands of 25-75 if that makes me look all la dee daa in their eyes and above the FLOW OF THE CARDS LAW!

im new to the whole casino scene so i don't know much on this type of thing.


Well-Known Member
It is somewhat "normal" for somebody to give you an evil eye for playing two hand when you had previously been playing one, for me though i view it as a neccessity do to tables often being full and the use for manipulating hands/hour

Dont look at it as a negetive, if peopel leave your table in frustration at high counts, that is a good thing.

I have never gotten any heat from somebody complaining i was playing two hands, but i have gotten ehat from playing three hands, so its is kinda grey area.

I also recently made a commitment to not play 2 hands when somebody is watching your game to avoid pointing out stratagy deviations such as being dealt 14 and 16 vs 10 or 14 and 15 or 13 and 15 or 13 and 16 there are a lot of hands that can come paired together like that and point out change in bs.

Be careful spreading 15 to one, i played a long time reletively heat free at ten dollar tables, but once my bets started crossing the 150 and up range as i accumulated more cash, i started getting a lot of evil eyes, and shuffles and rule changes. I think 150 per hand is the threshold of tollerance for ac casinos and 250 is totally out of the question for a 10 or 15 dollar table.
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la_dee_daa said:

But what should you do considering i need to keep longevity there playing 3-4 times a week for a hour or a little more but i don’t think there is any heat. This is also the only casino which i can play at so i have no other fall back casinos.

should i just split to my 2 hands when $10 betters start complaining or will this possibly bring any unwanted heat. .....
i know this scenerio only to well. i don't know any sort of authoritorian answer or anything but i'll tell you what i tryed to do. you will probably begin to notice some regular locals around there. probably a sort of loose knit group more or less. likely they are mainly basic strategy players or pure gamblers. that joint probably values those folks. so try and be a part of all that and casually blend in. get to know them at a distance so to speak. if those folks like you it's hard for the casino to not like you. tone your action down a notch or two at times when you might be the center of attention maybe.
on the spreading to more than one hand you might try and light heartedly joke about it or mention it in some way amongst your fellow table mates. if it bothers the regular locals or some whale maybe then you might let up on it and wait for another occasion.


Well-Known Member
When I'm intent on playing two or more hands in a good count I could care less what other players have to say. You just have to try to stave them off with some remark or other. It doesn't even have to make sense.

"I'm sorry. I just feel hot!" (Ploppies understand this cuz they do it too)

"I've got to play my hunches. That's the way I play." (Ditto)

"There hasn't been any aces for a long time. They've got to be coming soon." (I had a dealer ask me if I was counting cards when I said this. I told him, "I try to but I haven't seen one to count in a long time!" He just laughed, thinking I was a bigger dummy than he first thought.)

"I'm almost broke so I'm going for broke." (Ploppies are sympathetic when you're losing or they might say, "Well, that's why you're losing. But I still spread to two hands.)

"I'm a thousand down for the week. I'm tired of losing slow and sure. If you want to win, you've got to change things up and bet more." (This will seem plausible to a ploppy)

Not related, sometimes, just for fun, I might ask, "Should I double down with this 12? I haven't seen any low cards for a long time." The ploppies will dive at you to keep you from doubling down. It can be hysterical.

Have fun, but find ways to keep doing the things you need to do to give yourself the best chance to win.


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
on the spreading to more than one hand you might try and light heartedly joke about it or mention it in some way amongst your fellow table mates.
I just flat out announce what I'm doing. I figure if I warn them, giving them a chance to react to it in whatever way they see fit, they should have no cause for complaint.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, sometimes simply saying "I'm going to try two hands" can work.

Also, supremely misguided confidence can work well. Along the lines of "It will be okay, check this out <wink>". It's even better if you get your ass handed to you after spreading to two hands, and then keep on being confident about it.

Sheepish apologies as you drop back to one hand can be good... as long as the count isn't positive any more.

And then there are plenty of more belligerent options.


Well-Known Member
hummmm well i will probably will just avoid doing this around whales but they have their own whale tank and shant be playing with the minnows. thing is like 50% of the people there don't speak english and are like all in their 60s so there is like no even small talk i get from other players other then the off "good play" on one of my double downs during a higher count and this lady shaking my arm. This makes announcing my plays and "reasoning" for them difficult other then to a select few. but we will see probably just act like im chasing my losses or getting to cocky when winning

il go again tommorow and see how it goes maybe stumble onto a few dollars to. after a couple weeks i will start getting to know flow of people there ( and what i can get away with ) and and dealers since i saw one guy cut off a deck or maybe less for me but then took $300 off my hands, i didn't want it anyways.

Maybe i should just act like i have some crazy progression betting system going and explain it really fast making it up everytime someone gives me a funny look and just make up new "rules" for every play i do.


Well-Known Member
just another kinda funny thing about this the same lady not wanting me to split to 2 hands followed my insurance bets. during a high count of somewhere is the +3 to +6 range (i dont quite remember) i made a insurance bet on an $80 hand with a 10. She gives a look at me then also takes insurnace for the first time. and of course the dealer turned over a blackjack. Follows my insurance bets but thinks i don't know enough spreading to 2 hands hummm.


Just do it without concern for the others. Then split 10s early on with a small bet and let the table know that its hands like these,
splitting 10s, is why you gamble. Nothing else like it. When most of the table ups and leaves say, "Gee, was it something I said?"

Thats what I do. zg


Well-Known Member
I would simply say it's my money and I'll play it however I want, say it nicely. If people don't like it they can get up and leave. If you want to make money at this, then you have to understand you are playing for yourself and cannot give a damn about what other people think. I had a similar situation in DD, I was playing two hands and stayed on 15 and 16 with a very high count, another player made mention when I stayed. I didn't particularly like that because it brought more attention to me possibly counting. I told him " sir it's my money and if you want to play my hands then you can pay me the money". Nothing else was said the rest of the session. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
Disclaimer: If the complaining ploppy is a bona-fide while that has pit critters or a host fawning all over him, then don't piss him off enough to make him stop gambling. Only because it could bring untoward attention.

Otherwise, f'em.


Well-Known Member
thinking of The Flow

EasyRhino said:
Oh crap, there's a The Flow of people now, too?!
Yes there is but people flow is not sacred. The results of people flow have been proven to result in losing ploppies but the Sacred Flow of the All Knowing Cards, when not disturbed will result in these same ploppies winning.:grin:

Back to the subject of the thread:
If you wish to get acceptance (definately not required) of the other players just spread to a second hand after a loss and announce that you need to do something to change the Flow since you are getting your butt kicked.



Well-Known Member
i enjoy controlling the "flow" so far it hasn't helped me but has helped other players. I had min $10 out 4 others hands of $25 one guy gets 2 blackjacks i have a 15 v 10 surrender next two cards 3 then a A. Goes on the thank me for saving the table but then makes some bets for the dealer which considering i "saved the table" should have been for me lol. but i guess i should just go around controlling the "flow" of the table with my deviations and spreading to 2 hands.


Well-Known Member
Other way around

I was in a barely playble DD shoe game (only one open in the casino) in which the other player was spreading to two hands for several hands at the start of the shoe. Another player sat down and put bets on two spots while the dealer was setting up so I decided to sit back and let them have all of the fun. After three shoes they were both drained and I had a head's up game.


Well-Known Member
I've been thanked for saving the table, called a good anchor, etc, by the same guy in the same session by playing the same hand different ways. It's a funny game.
ihate17 said:
Yes there is but people flow is not sacred. The results of people flow have been proven to result in losing ploppies but the Sacred Flow of the All Knowing Cards, when not disturbed will result in these same ploppies winning.:grin:

Back to the subject of the thread:
If you wish to get acceptance (definately not required) of the other players just spread to a second hand after a loss and announce that you need to do something to change the Flow since you are getting your butt kicked.

Yes, sometimes I'll use reasons like that to justify sitting out negative hands. I'll sit out a hand, and as long as someone wins a hand I'll tell him "I don't want to jump in after that win." When the count goes positive I'll say to someone who just lost a big bet "Let's change things up" and get back int he game. It doesn't make any sense to anyone who is paying attention, buy who's paying attention?