Comps by Location


I recently moved to Helena, MT and it looks like I'll have to fly somewhere if I want to play BJ. Flight prices are about the same no matter where I go in the West (Vegas, Reno, Denver, etc.). I figure I'll buy in for about $2K and play green.

Question: Assuming a reasonable weekend session, 1) is this enough to get my flight comped and 2) are some cities/casinos more likely to do this?

Any tips are greatly appreciated.

*Admins: if this is in the wrong forum feel free to move it.

thanks in advance,



Well-Known Member
I don't know what level you need to play to get your flight comp'd, but am confident that a $2000 buy-in is nowhere close to what is needed. For something like a room comp or a food comp, the casino does not have to pay the full retail price. They only have to pay the expenses associated with the food or service, but not the mark-up so they make a profit from patrons who are not comp'd. For a plane ticket, they are stuck for the full of the cost unless they've worked out some deal with the airlines. My best guess is that you'll need to play heavy black, and possibly purple to get this kind of a comp.


Well-Known Member
I'm no the comp expert, but that hasn't stopped me before... I'm going to assume you don't have any advantage play going on (because if then, you'd probably be looking for better games rather than better comps).

Vegas and AC are pretty tight with comps. If you want to do it on the cheap, you might consider a junket to some out of the way place that no one wants to go to. Like Elko or Wendover NV. This way you could get a really cheap plane flight and room, and still get your gamble on.

Actually, I just got a thing in the mail from Harrah's offering a 2 weeknight junket in fabulous Laughlin, for a cost of $169 (or $238 per person), which included charter airfare and room.

Now, in terms of the math, if I read the web cookie correctly, Harrah's says I should average a $150 loss to them per day over the last 6 months. That would mean between $15,000 and $30,000... if you work that backwards, at 100 hands/hr, that would mean 6-12 hours flat-betting $25 per day.

Of course, that doesn't help you, what you want is an up-front junket, where at most all you might have to do is display some money to the casino before going out there.

If you give up on airfare, then the best lowest-hanging comp fruits are going to be rooms and food. Especially if you're in places no one wants to be (like northern Nevada).


Well-Known Member
Wendover the Peppermill properties sponsor flights from different cities that makes the prices affordable. With green action you should get your room and food comped in Wendover. I have never taken advatange of the Wendover flights because I always drive there, but I always here from people I play with at the tables how its a great deal. Check this page out
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Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
What? Not a single flight from anywhere in California or Nevada?! That's f$%&ed up. Oh well. I guess Wendover is temporarily safe from Sonny's wrath. Someday...:devil:

I thought they had flights from California maybe they only have flights from California during the warmer months. You could also make a road trip to Wendover along the way you could check out other casinos :grin:



Thanks to all for the tips. The flight list to wendover is especially great (nod to avs21); I had never even heard of wendover.


Well-Known Member
Sure. Until a couple days ago, you could log into harrah's with your total rewards number. Then find a cookie called "omniture" (it was easier with mozilla), and in it it would show you your average daily theo from the last six sessions, six months, and 12 months (or something like that).

That appears to have just recently disappeared.


Well-Known Member
People spend a lot of time and effort decoding the Harrahs cookies and then hacking into them so the public can see the results.Harrahs has an army of techies working on this. Our side has a dedicated few.Posting this on public forums doesn't help the cause.Even on the paid site you got this info from,people try to be discrete.


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
I'm no the comp expert, but that hasn't stopped me before... I'm going to assume you don't have any advantage play going on (because if then, you'd probably be looking for better games rather than better comps).

Vegas and AC are pretty tight with comps. If you want to do it on the cheap, you might consider a junket to some out of the way place that no one wants to go to. Like Elko or Wendover NV. This way you could get a really cheap plane flight and room, and still get your gamble on.

Actually, I just got a thing in the mail from Harrah's offering a 2 weeknight junket in fabulous Laughlin, for a cost of $169 (or $238 per person), which included charter airfare and room.

Now, in terms of the math, if I read the web cookie correctly, Harrah's says I should average a $150 loss to them per day over the last 6 months. That would mean between $15,000 and $30,000... if you work that backwards, at 100 hands/hr, that would mean 6-12 hours flat-betting $25 per day.

Of course, that doesn't help you, what you want is an up-front junket, where at most all you might have to do is display some money to the casino before going out there.

If you give up on airfare, then the best lowest-hanging comp fruits are going to be rooms and food. Especially if you're in places no one wants to be (like northern Nevada).
How Often do you get those airfare comps? Thats what i have been waiting for I am Diamond Member and been playing at Harrah's one a week for about the last 6 Months. Im Pretty new with them. I am a Consistant Black Level $100-500 BJ Player, Are you a Diamond or Seven Stars?


Well-Known Member
No, I'm nothing to Harrahs. I think the offer for the junket was related to two things:

1) The charter flight was already scheduled for San Diego-Laughlin... maybe they weren't flying from your hometown.

2) I had that one crazy session where I lost $5 grand in two hours. Maybe they accidentally put me down as a far bigger better than I really was (shadroch-stylee).

And shad, I wasn't really thinking too much about the "loose lips" problems of displaying the cookie.... but I'm glad at least I only blabbled something that was already countermeasured!