concentration/keeping the count


Anyone have any suggestions on concentration or keeping the count, i usually don't have a problem with counting as the cards are delt. but sometime when i have my hands i may lose the count while concentrating on my card or if there is a pauser for another person buying in, or what ever the reason, sometimes i have trouble remembering the count, anyone have any ideas on how they remember what the count is? thanks


Well-Known Member
card counting

Practice, Practice, Practice...when you think you are proficient count during telephone conversations or some other multi tasking activity.


LOL. i was counting it a school hand of blackjack and i was repeating the count in my head. well my friend tried to hold a conversation and i accidently blurted out the count. good thing i wasn't in a casino :D

bj bob

Well-Known Member
A trick I use

Whenever there's going to be a break in the table rhythm e.g. rack count etc., I take the number of chips from my stack and either set them aside or play with them in my hand. I use green for pos. and red for neg. which is the way I count in my head during the game. For some reason saying plus,minus doesn't stick in my brain as well as red,green, but that's just me.


Well-Known Member
good post

I'm glad this was brought up. I've had the same troubles and I'm sure many others do as well. One thing I'll often do is if I happen to lose the count, I'll leave for a bathroom break or something. Its possible the deck could have gone south fast, and it is not worth the risk of playing a very negative deck.

I'm always open to learning new methods too, anything that will help with counting I give practice runs on my setup at home. If it works I incorporate it into my play, if not I move on.

Different techniques work for different people. I suggest trying methods mentioned by others at home, and stick with what works for you. Even if it sounds stupid, mundane, or too simple, it is a worth a try in practice. Never practice new techniques at a casino. You'll lose your money quickly.


Well-Known Member
Yup, it's the old practice, practice, practice

With luck you'll eventually have a special place in your mind that stores the count.

Since enough people think I'm weird already, asking this next question won't hurt...:)

Has anyone else ever been surprised by what the count is? I mean you're counting along pretty much on autopilot, and then suddenly wonder how the count got to be what it is?


Well-Known Member
For some reason, when I get a soft hand I have a hard time remembering the count while I think about 7/17 and the like. So I will simply put the count on my fingers (left hand negative and right hand positive) and put my hand under the table, wrap it in my shirt tail, whatever. I play my hand and then go back to what ever my fingers are telling me!


Well-Known Member
Let me recomend an awesome book called "how to develop a perfect memory" by Dominic O' Brien, helped me a ton on remembering the count and other things.


Well-Known Member
silent repetition

blb078 said:
Anyone have any suggestions on concentration or keeping the count, i usually don't have a problem with counting as the cards are delt. but sometime when i have my hands i may lose the count while concentrating on my card or if there is a pauser for another person buying in, or what ever the reason, sometimes i have trouble remembering the count, anyone have any ideas on how they remember what the count is? thanks
i just keep repeating the rc silently in my mind over and over when there is a break in the action. it becomes habitual after a while. as a result i've found numbers, songs ect. stick in my memory to where i have to tell my self to let it go.

best regards,
mr fr0g :D

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Let's sing along, kiddies

....."With a knick nack paddy wack, running count is 8. True count I must calculate!" Gee, that was FUN......and it worked! Don't sing it to the pit though. They're meanies:whip:


slayer said:
LOL. i was counting it a school hand of blackjack and i was repeating the count in my head. well my friend tried to hold a conversation and i accidently blurted out the count. good thing i wasn't in a casino :D
I've done that at the table, on a big hand double down - dealer deals the ten-card to my eleven and I shout PLUS THREE! then look around sheepishly. zg