Confused by several SF21 plays

John Nubro

New Member
Regarding SuperFun21 basic strategy rules, such as, A,4 vs 5 does D4, as well as many similar examples:
Doesn't this rule mean that the player's "4" is comprised of
three cards(A,2,A) and that he probably forgot to split aces or double down with A,2 previously? Isn't there a sequential play at work here which precludes certain rules like this one from ever being invoked in the first place, barring player error? If I am not greatly misunderstanding something here, then wouldn't a more simplified SF21 basic strategy matrix be the welcome result?


D4 = double UNLESS holding 4 cards, in which case hit and go for the 5&6 card bonuses. wait, now I'm confused! zg

John Nubro

New Member
I'll spell out my confusion in detail so that it can be understood by anyone.

The dealer shows a 5 for all of the following scenarios:

1. I'm dealt an A,4. The rule says D4 so I double down rather than hit. I'm using this rule because I must have an ACE to even be looking in this area of the SF21 strategy table.

2. I'm dealt an A,A so I split aces and pull tens...done.

3. I'm dealt an A,2 so I double down and finish my hand holding no more than 3 cards. the A,4 and whatever I pulled.

4. I'm dealt an A,3 so I double down and finish my hand holding no more than 3 cards. the A,3 and whatever I pulled.

5. How can I ever have soft fifteen AND hold "4 or more cards" unless I have failed to play properly in the first place? For example:

I am dealt A,2 I hit and receive an A. I hit and receive another A.

NOW I have 4 cards total: A,2,A,A which is equivalent to A,4 and so I use the rule D4 and HIT instead of doubling down, going for the 5 or 6 card automatic win.

I now repeat my original post since I failed to spell out the previous info which was merely implied by the original post:

Doesn't this rule mean that the player's "4" is comprised of three cards(A,2,A) and that he probably forgot to split aces or double down with A,2 previously?
Isn't there a sequential play at work here which precludes certain rules like this one from ever being invoked in the first place, barring player error? If I am not greatly misunderstanding something here, then wouldn't a more simplified SF21 basic strategy matrix be the welcome result?

LV Bear

Superfun "Basic Strategy" chart errors

You've noticed some of several errors on the commonly available Superfun 21 "basic strategy" charts.

There are many more play variations and count indices that are needed to beat this gamne.

Superfun 21 is not recommended for other than Las Vegas-based full-time players, who have the time and patience to learn the dozens of variations. Even then, it is beatable only with a large (for single deck) spread, and only under very specific playing conditions.

If you're not a Las Vegas full-timer, forget this game.

You wrote, "... wouldn't a more simplified SF21 basic strategy matrix be the welcome result?"

Yes. There is one, including a "risk-averse" version. Email me directly if you want to discuss it further, but at the risk of sounding like a broken record, <u>Superfun 21 is not recommended for other than Las Vegas-based full-time players.</u>