Gregory, I hear what your saying. I just loaded up on the monthly and this is what the dealer had on the first 20 hands. 13,BJ,21,BJ,18,21,19,19,BJ,10,17,21,BJ,20,20,BJ,19,BJ,19,20. Then I got the hech out of there before I broke something. Needless to say I did not win many hands. Only 2, 1 against the 17 with a double down and 1 against a 19. Dealer had 6 BJ's over 20 hands I had none. Not what I would call a normal game. I know somebody will get on here and say thats just a run of bad luck and it all evens out and I will have a run like that in my favor, yada,yada,yada. But I can tell you after playing well over 100,000 hands I have never had any thing that resembled that in my favor. Not even close.:whip:
Well, my rants over.