well damm i mis-spoke my thoughts here:
Originally Posted by sagefr0g
no i haven't escaped negative variance but i have it trapped for however short a duration. the point is and it is a miniscule one but that represents an increase in bankroll. there is potential there for an improvement in risk of ruin hence potential for increased betting which represents an increase in ev (however miniscule) does it not?
i meant to type:
no i haven't escaped negative variance but i have trapped THE RESULTS OF POSITIVE FLUCTUATION for however short a duration. the point is and it is a miniscule one but that represents an increase in bankroll. there is potential there for an improvement in risk of ruin hence potential for increased betting which represents an increase in ev (however miniscule) does it not?
well anyway i think you got my point despite how i stated it.
Sonny said:
Well, maybe. If I understand you correctly (please correct me if I'm wrong) then you are saying that a system that produces frequent small wins will give the player more chances to increase their betting levels. Basically, a proportional bettor who is constantly resizing their bets in relation to their bankroll will benefit from small steady wins more than wild swings.
that is not exactly what i was getting at but i see what you are saying and the fact of the matter is that this could work equaly well for the 'limit' player and the 'free' player. so probably the 'free' player would do better in the long run as he will probably be getting in more play.
honestly i don't know for sure what the implications are of what i'm saying i was only trying to make the point of the 'limit' player temporaily trapping the results of positive fluctuation. and again i realize that the 'free' player also traps that positive fluctuation only difference between the two being the limit player has it trapped for a longer span of time. at any rate the trapping of the dough is the first step one would want to make to achieve a Parrondo Parodox like achievement.
Sonny said:
I agree with your logic but I don't know much of an effect such a plan would have. Such a small bankroll increase (one SD above EV for a session) probably wouldn't be enough of a bankroll increase to raise your bets. It would take an increase of at least 100 units or more to trigger a change in a player's betting pattern. By following a stop-win limit you are cutting your chances of having a big bankroll increase during a single session, or even a few consecutive sessions. You'll get that big win just as often, but the journey will take longer.
thats the problem i see. the bankroll increase doesn't seem big enough to make a differance. but over time those small wins add up and then the proportional betting could come into play. this may give the 'limit' player an advantage in that he can take a lot of time to consider his next move. of course the 'free' player can adjust his bets on the fly according to his bankroll. but i don't think the bankroll issue is the whole story if one wants to achieve a Parrodo's Parodox like sucess. i think the key lay in the nature of the game played next after the trapping is made. that is what seems to me the impossible part to control. however the fact that counters have the advantage in the long run means that what we are looking for in the next step to achieving Parrodo's Parodox like success will happen!
so the outline would look like this:
step one trap the result of positive fluctuation.
step two let nature take it's course as far as advantage play is concerned.
result in time positive expectation.
of course this is really just what happens when we just plain count cards so there must be something else one would have to do to make a Parrodo's Parodox like success be an added advantage to what we already have. i don't think that avoiding negative fluctuation is the answer. the answer must be in enhancing that effect that is already there. what ever it would be should work for the 'limit' player just about as well as the 'free' player excepting that the 'limit' player might have an advantage of plotting his next move over time where as the 'free' player would have to think on his feet.
thinking and creativity may be key here. we already know it is key in advantage play in comparison to ploppy play.
so obviously i don't have the answer. truly i don't fully understand Parrodo's Parodox either. but i do get John May's drift about gleaning knowledge and hopefully advantage from voodo ideas and the like.
Sonny said:
In general I don't think that such a strategy will have any effect on the win rate. Both a "limit" player and a "free" player will experience the same swings and adjust their bets at the same time. The "free" player will hit those increase/decrease points sooner but the "limit" player will savor their good fortune more often. There is a psychological advantage for some players, but not a mathematical one.
agreed sort of. saving for a rainy day is a known wise principle. saving has it's advantages. can that advantage be applied to blackjack. i suspect so. i expect you would say "time is money" and i'd have to go along with that especially for advantage play.
i'm one that respects some of the old saws. you know things like your mother used to tell you.... "don't pick your nose" great for avoiding and spreading colds, "wash your hands when you get done in the bathroom" another good one.... "eat your vegtables" heh, heh the list goes on and on.
as far as the psychological advantage that can affect the play which can affect the math :violin: .
Sonny said:
It certainly is an interesting concept though. There might be a gem in there somewhere.
fun too especially if it could help produce benjamins :toast:
oh well back to the drawing board.... i wont say anything about my fantasy thoughts on the Pauli Exclusion Principle and the 'spin' of two 'like' cards occupying a players first two cards. Zengrifter would throw me outta here for sure then.
very best regards,
mr fr0g