
Just returned from Harrahs in Metroplois and did lousy. On Thursday, made $350 with a $60 buyin. Tried to repeat it and was well on my way to doubling my money, then a woman sat down. She did not say a word to anyone and kept her eyes on the dealer. She f#@$ed every hand she played. :flame: If she had a 13 with a bust card showing, she hit, if she had a 13 with a ten showing, she did not hit. :eek: You could tell she knew what she was doing, she did not make any eye contact with anyone but the dealer. Usually an inexperienced dealer will apologize for wrecking the table, not this biotch. So my question is, do casinos use coolers if a table is doing well?:


Well-Known Member
You ever hear...Whatever dude. La-hu za her. My drill SGT use to say " Wanna go home, suck your mamas titt* eat your milk and cookies. Play your game. She had no effect on what you were doing.

Ever see the movie?

Nothing would surprise me, especially in a Res. casino. These things happen,
people see you winning and want to jump in and get in on the action.

What another player does will not affect you as an AP or ploppy.....most of the time, not ALL the time.

Creeping Panther.


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
What another player does will not affect you as an AP or ploppy.....most of the time, not ALL the time.

Creeping Panther.
Crap - they never effect you play in any substantial way. Unless they know what the next card to be played is, screwing around with basic strategy will make no difference to you what-so-ever. They are just as likely to draw a card that would have hurt you as a card that would have helped you, so they don't know anymore than you do what the results of that mistake will be.



Well-Known Member
There is a such thing as a cooler. Did you ever meet anyone who never made a good bet? Just follow him around and bet the opposite of everything he bets on. haha You'll either turn him into a winner, or make yourself a big winner. lol Really, nothing anyone can do will affect your game except cheating, and that's usually farfetched for modern day large casinos.
Thanks for all your responses, but her plaly did affect the table. She consistently took the bust card or did not hit appropriatley. I will have learn to walk away next time someone plays that badly. Also, is this not a forum where we can voice our concerns? But MDLBJ, you have a nice day. :grin:


Well-Known Member
I can't believe there exists a casino that would be worried about a $350 loss.
You are evidently a new player and have quite a bit to learn.Thats okay,we all started as new players.The first thing you need to learn is there is no such thing as a bust card.Unless you are playing with marked cards,you have no idea what the next card is. It might be the card that bust the dealer,or it might be the card that makes his hand.There is no logical reason to leave when a player is playing badly,it doesn't effect you in the long run.Thats the second thing you should learn.
The information needed to become a good player is here,but you need to forget most of what you think you know and learn the game the right way.
"The Blackjack Zone" by Elliot Jacobson is a great book for learning the correct ways to think and play BJ.
RJT, you are mistaken

As a long time highly experienced AP player, specializing in DD games, I will guarantee you that at certain counts what another player does, WILL affect your game, (that is the outcome of a particular round). Not all that often do these situations arise, but THEY DO and WILL.

I would expect that you would realize that.

Creeping Panther.


Well-Known Member
To try and explain

bigjimswoman said:
Thanks for all your responses, but her plaly did affect the table. She consistently took the bust card or did not hit appropriatley. I will have learn to walk away next time someone plays that badly. Also, is this not a forum where we can voice our concerns? But MDLBJ, you have a nice day. :grin:
Let us say your cooler friend is at third base and has 14 while the dealer is showing a 4. From what you are saying it seems that this woman would hit an unknown card and then the dealer would turn a 14 also and hit something like a 7.
If this is the situation, you can say there are two cards only to be played, a 7 and an unknown card but the problem is the cooler, the dealer and no one else knows if the 7 is the first card to come out or the second card. This is one reason why bad players help and hurt you equally. Should the 7 have been the first card out then this cooler woman would have helped you but unfortunately it was the second card and she hurt you. The chance of it being first or second card are 50/50, exactly the same as her hurting or helping you on this hand.

The one thing the bad player does do for certain is hurt themselves.

As far as your other question about this board. The board is made up of many advantage players, some wannabee advantage players, some novice advantage players but also non advantage players who have been subjected to the superstitions that dominate the losers on blackjack tables. Some of us will nicely inform you that it is just superstition and some of us will throw some sarcasim into the mix because most often if one checks through old threads these things have been discussed.

We like bad players because they keep casino profits high, enabling us to skim a bit off the top.
We like bad players who take extra hits in negative counts, referred to as card eaters.
We dislike bad players who take extra hits in positive counts because they cause fewer positive rounds.
We dislike bad players who expound superstitions loudly to others about bad players and the Mystical Magical Flow of The All Knowing Cards (the cards have no idea if they will hit your hand or the dealers)

Finally, many of us will take time and try to give good answers to questions from people who appear to want to better their game.



Well-Known Member
ihate17 said:
Let us say your cooler friend is at third base and has 14 while the dealer is showing a 4. From what you are saying it seems that this woman would hit an unknown card and then the dealer would turn a 14 also and hit something like a 7.
If this is the situation, you can say there are two cards only to be played, a 7 and an unknown card but the problem is the cooler, the dealer and no one else knows if the 7 is the first card to come out or the second card. This is one reason why bad players help and hurt you equally. Should the 7 have been the first card out then this cooler woman would have helped you but unfortunately it was the second card and she hurt you. The chance of it being first or second card are 50/50, exactly the same as her hurting or helping you on this hand.

The one thing the bad player does do for certain is hurt themselves.

As far as your other question about this board. The board is made up of many advantage players, some wannabee advantage players, some novice advantage players but also non advantage players who have been subjected to the superstitions that dominate the losers on blackjack tables. Some of us will nicely inform you that it is just superstition and some of us will throw some sarcasim into the mix because most often if one checks through old threads these things have been discussed.

We like bad players because they keep casino profits high, enabling us to skim a bit off the top.
We like bad players who take extra hits in negative counts, referred to as card eaters.
We dislike bad players who take extra hits in positive counts because they cause fewer positive rounds.
We dislike bad players who expound superstitions loudly to others about bad players and the Mystical Magical Flow of The All Knowing Cards (the cards have no idea if they will hit your hand or the dealers)

Finally, many of us will take time and try to give good answers to questions from people who appear to want to better their game.

That's the most polite dissertation on board behavior I have ever heard. Could it be that the fairer sex has a mellowing effect on board behavior? Just kidding! In all honesty, the board has been kind to the extreme in answering my questions, both informed and stupid alike. I have never looked for a "better" board, because while there may be an equal one out there, I can't conceive of a "better" one.

If there's one thing that gets under my skin, it's a ploppy loudly declaring that I ruined it for everybody by hitting a 12 vs. a dealer 2, or not hitting a 16vs. a 10 in a positive count. Mostly I just bite my tongue.

One time I did blast a guy saying, "You better get used to it [hitting 12 against a 2], because I'm going to do it again and again. Read your basic strategy card for 6-deck, dummy!"

Of course if it's an index play, I have to play dumb: "Sometimes I hit it, sometimes I don't, depending on whether I feel a twitch in my left elbow," I tell them. Believe it or not, that usually satisfies the table; at least, it gets some laughs.
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It is not that I am not tough, and I was just flat betting, there were others doing the big bets that were really going off. I have just noticed a change in Harrahs since it was sold. Not many people were on the slots and I was told by an insider in Peoria, Il, that slots are were the casinos make there money and if people are on the tables, they raise the limit and other techniques to get the people to the slots. I just left the casino. I understand it is gambling, but damn! At least kiss me afterwards, LOL! (Figuratively speaking,:p !)
bigjimswoman said:
It is not that I am not tough, and I was just flat betting, there were others doing the big bets that were really going off. I have just noticed a change in Harrahs since it was sold. Not many people were on the slots and I was told by an insider in Peoria, Il, that slots are were the casinos make there money and if people are on the tables, they raise the limit and other techniques to get the people to the slots. I just left the casino. I understand it is gambling, but damn! At least kiss me afterwards, LOL! (Figuratively speaking,:p !)
Raising the limits on crowded tables I believe, that's legit business based on supply and demand.

The only way a person playing BJ for the house could help the house is if there was some serious cheating going on, sleight of hand moves by the dealer, and it's unlikely Harrah's would risk their gaming license with that kind of illegal move. You're going to have to trust us on this one- there is no kind of playing by any player that will increase the house edge over other players, even if the gambling bigshots at the table are absolutely convinced there is. As an advantage player I strip money from those tables all the time, but still I've had the same kind of players swear I am taking money from them and giving it to the house. Superstitious and irrational- that's why they're gamblers and not AP's.


Well-Known Member
From the Grand muckity muck

This superstition or religious belief of losing blackjack players (take your choice, I believe it is religion) is based upon the same idea that people going in and out at a table, or someone going from 1 hand to 2 and then back to one or in this case someone taking the so called dealers bust card, all goes to the All Powerful Mythical Mystical Magical All Knowing Flow Of The Cards.
The key word in the above overly long sentence is mythical!

There is no powerful force that puts the cards (legally anyway) in a specified order that will either make the players or the casino win. Dr. Jacobsons book, The Blackjack Zone will help you get over these superstitions and then you will understand that those other players who yell, give strange looks or run from the table when someone does something they do not like, are people who constantly donate their money to the casino's profits.

Something else that you might not know yet: If you just play basic strategy, it is guaranteed that there will be many times you will be the person who others think messed up the Mystical Flow of the Cards. Just do something basic like double A,7 vs dealer 3-6 or split your 9,9 vs dealer 2-6,8,9 and if things go against the table, you just might hear about it. If things go well, it is just forgotten.
It is 2 things:
1. People have selective memory and tend to remember things that hurt them.
2. People tend to look for someone else to blame for their misfortune

Remember, unlike another falsehood that these players will say to you. Blackjack is definately not a team sport. You are not a team against the dealer, it is you against that dealer.
If blackjack were a team game, your teammates would be covering your losses and expecting a share of your wins. When that happens, then you are on a team.



Well-Known Member
Damn,my team just expects me to cover their losses. They haven't got the "share the winning" thing down pat yet.


Well-Known Member
Taking the bust card

is annoying to some, but in the LONG RUN it makes no difference. That day, it made a neg. flux in variance. Next time it may help bust the dealer every time. In the long run, for a BS player, others do not affect the house edge.


Well-Known Member
I didn't realize that 'coolers' were still being used! Still, it goes to show just how much superstition there is on BOTH sides if the board!


Well-Known Member
cool man cool man

Gentlemen, here is the thought I believe bigjimwoman was really asking. Yes they do bring a table buster in if the table is too hot for too long. Hear me out gents on this one. They bring them to disrupt your play not the cards. If I'm getting hurt by a paticular table bad which may not be in this case but nonthe less a person they have idiots to disrupt the table. I do believe this and it has nothing to do with the cards it is the player they try to rattle. They don't attempt it as often at high limit tables because the person is remembered too easily the next time. blackchipjim
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Well-Known Member
I thought you were joking and then I thought again

blackchipjim said:
Gentlemen, here is the thought I believe bigjimwoman was really asking. Yes they do bring a table buster in if the table is too hot for too long. Hear me out gents on this one. They bring them to disrupt your play not the cards. If I'm getting hurt by a paticular table bad which may not be in this case but nonthe less a person they have idiots to disrupt the table. I do believe this and it has nothing to do with the cards it is the player they try to rattle. They don't attempt it as often at high limit tables because the person is remembered too easily the next time. blackchipjim
I have had runs where instead of the casino tossing me, as I expected, the pits would change cards, or change dealers or change both. Now if a pit is sure that the cards are not marked there is no logical reason to change them. If the pit believes the dealer is honest there is also no reason to change her, but they have been known to do this. So the same idiocy on the part of the casino might put a player on the table, but that will do exactly the same amount of good. :laugh:
