

Well-Known Member
I saw this yesterday.

The cards were changed at the double decker I was playing 4 times during my 5 hour session. Annoying as hell but I took it in stride.


Well-Known Member
bigjimswoman said:
Thanks for all your responses, but her plaly did affect the table. She consistently took the bust card or did not hit appropriatley. I will have learn to walk away next time someone plays that badly. Also, is this not a forum where we can voice our concerns? But MDLBJ, you have a nice day. :grin:
My only concern is that you may have the wrong impression about how another person at the table effects the game as a whole. If you new she was messing up the table, then why not walk away? Because you are gambling thats why. I see this so much and want to tell people who are fortune tellers how these things have no effect on what you are doing.

You are playing your hand/hands against the dealers up card. There have been bagillions ( I made that number up ) of simulations to ... Whatever.

I got it. Next time play two spots, 1st base and the place next to it, that way you will win every time. It will be impossible to mess up the cards.

Is your cognitive thought process starting to sense something? If she would not have, if she would have... What you do with your hand against the dealers up card is what matters.

There are crappy players out there and if they are distracting from your play, heck I would leave.

Sorry about the rant, I was just a bit out of it when I posted that.


Mystical Magical Flows...

I had one of those today at my table, a young couple perhaps in their early 20's, college age, all appearances of having at least some degree of intellect. Appearances can be deceiving! They were making all the wrong plays, for instance staying on a 14 against the dealer's 9 upcard with a close count of 4 extra small cards in approximately half the shoe left. There was obviously no logical reason to deviate from basic strategy in this instance and they were losing fairly consistently because of these irrational moves.
It was only a $10 min. table and at that moment in time I was only doing min bets so I was just piddling along and having fun with it all and I was at 3rd base going right after them; Sometimes it "hurt me", sometimes it "helped me" but in all actuality it's as was said previously, their bad play truly only affected them in the long run and not me. It was the first table I played at for the day and essentially "warm up" just to toss a few chips around before moving on. I walked away a few $ ahead from that table and the less than stellar deviations from basic strategy on their part had no steady ill effect on my play at all.
I have seen and heard of tables that players doing badly have a tendency to berate other players not making the right play and claiming that their bad call or bad play has some effect on the table overall or on them personally but experts all say that is hogwash. I tend to believe that and believe that perhaps a few key plays stick in their head to make them think this, such as player before you stays on their 14 against the dealer's 9 upcard and you pull a 6 on your double down with the player after you getting the face card with the dealer ultimately making a hand to clean out the entire table. Got to blame SOMEONE darn it!!!
The player making the poor choice is just as likely to cause you to get a great hand going right after them by taking that really bad card that you didn't want out of the way or not taking that great card that causes you to win the hand. Their poor judgement has no long-term ill effect on you but it is simply human nature to place blame elsewhere and anywhere but upon yourself when things are not going "peachy". That is not coming from me although I tend to agree with it but is in many of the blackjack books I have read and is the general concensus of many famous blackjack authors.
Are most players going to recall the times the bad player "hurt the table" more vividly than the times they "helped the table"?....Yes...
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Well-Known Member
Tarzan said:
Are most players going to recall the times the bad player "hurt the table" more vividly than the times they "helped the table"?....Yes...
I don't know - perhaps yes.

But, as for myself, being, perhaps, somewhat paranoid by nature, if I have the slightest doubt, for any reason whatsoever, that the game is or might be "gaffed", I just leave.

It's like, I may as well believe God exists because, if he does, I'll go to heaven. If he doesn't, it doesn't matter anyway.

So, play as if they actually may be cheating. Nothing to lose.


OOps! Forgot to add...

This is not by any famous blackjack whizbangs but my personal opinion and possibly part of why I have had tremendous overall success for many years now but who the heck knows...If anything and I mean ANYTHING "rattles your cage", bad count, crazy players, hot dealer that can do no wrong that particular shift and is steadily cleaning people out for all it's worth, etc... don't be afraid to walk off the table or sit out! There are other tables. If you are "addled" by something it can throw you off your game or cause you to not be on your "A" game. Don't let anything take you away from logical, concise and positive thought.
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It is usually casino policy to change HAND HELD cards, ie DD SD, every 1 to 2 hours. When playing these games it is good to find out in advance the house policy.

Creeping Panther


Well-Known Member
rattlers vs cool hand

I think most of us with any experience in the casino eviroment can attest to some wierd and some not so wierd things that happen. I have had alot of crap thrown at me while I'll play only to let it blow right by me. It takes a good long while of advantage play to start seeing some strange **** happen at your table time after time and act like nothing unusual is going on. I think the best was after samurai dealer came in to bust our little party up he was fast and strictly business but we still bust his arse. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
Before I knew of a Zengrifter there was the Zen Master

Or, remembering a hand where the bad player was my hero

Many years ago I was playing a shoe game on the strip, sitting at first base, high count, max bet and two other players on the table. I get a pair 9's, one other player has a pat hand and an elderly man who spoke no English and used a Japaneese passport to get a players card was at 3rd base with a 4,2.
The dealer had a 5 showing.

I split 9's to 4 hands, get a 2 on two of those hands and double. Result; I have 6 max bets on the table and no total above a 15. The elderly gent, known to me now as the Zen Master looks straight at me and signals to stay on 4,2. The dealer and the pit are trying to explain to him that he can not bust and that he should at least take one card. Me, I am starring at the ceiling hoping for or praying for a dealer bust. The Zen Master stays, the dealer hits and busts and I win 6 max bets and the Zen Master looks at me and gives me a smile and a slight bow. As the cards come out on the next hand, I quickly do see that had the Zen Master played basic strategy, the dealer would have made a hand. Not only that, the play of the Zen Master somehow corrected the Mystical Flow of the cards as suddenly all the big cards began coming out and the dealer busted 4 of the last 5 hands of the shoe, while the players were getting naturals and 20's.

Unfortunately for the Zen Master his unique playing style only seemed to help me as he landed up losing quite a bit, but the legend of the Zen Master is a story that I sometimes tell folks who only remember the times bad players hurt them.



Well-Known Member
Games where the players touch the cards

Preston said:
I saw this yesterday.

The cards were changed at the double decker I was playing 4 times during my 5 hour session. Annoying as hell but I took it in stride.
If this was one of those double deck games that is dealt up from a shoe and the players can not touch the cards, this would be very surprising.

If this is the typical pitch game then most casinos will change cards every hour or two. Besides the fear of marking, the wear on the cards being picked up, squeezed, thrown away and just sometimes abused by players, causes all sorts of bends and creases that might be used to recognize a card.



Well-Known Member
I had a dealer clap in to a pitch game, and as she wad dealing cards were flying all over the damn table. She said 'sorry, I just put lotion on my hands'.

I tried to figure out some way to use the goop on the cards to my advantage, but it was on EVERY card, so I wasn't smart enough to do anything with it.