Could I sweat an AP at Hollywood in Southern IN?


I play a little bit of poker and BJ. I know in the poker world it is common to sweat (stand back and watch) another player in action. I am wondering if there are any Advanced Players that play at Hollywood in Southern IN that would be willing to let me set in on there play for a few hours? Maybe this doesn't happen with BJ players, but I would like to know. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Because of the fact that a blackjack AP MUST remain as anonymous as possible, it really isn't a good idea to even WATCH an AP in action; therefore it doesn't really happen much.

And BTW; if you run across someone that you know to be a blackjack AP and sit down at his game without being invited, you've just committed a huge breach of etiquette, which could easily be considered crossing a line into UNETHICAL; because of the fact that you could be eating cards at a critical time (or, if he happens to be doing something stronger than just counting, just the fact that you're sitting there can even DESTROY his game; to the point where he'd have to leave the table).

Sorry but that is never done.

An AP is very careful to keep his identity secret, just like Clark Kent and Super Man, Spidy and Batman, far different situation than poker.

Poker players are not banned and trespassed and roughed up,,,we are, so we keep to ourselves, except at BJ BASH time, when we party together, sorta like a meeting of a "Legion Of Super Heroes".:cool::celebrate



Well-Known Member
What would you learn in a few hours???? It takes almost as much practice to be a real AP as it would take to be a bowler who holds an average over 240. You have to learn all aspects of the game and watching someone will not help you much. Think about it like this. I watch football every weeekend and yet I can't play in the NFL...why??? Lack of talent.