Counter's casino of dreams........


I play at a casino in Korea where they just flat don't give a hoot if you count or not. It's actually the only casino I've ever played at as an AP. I played there first and realized that I needed to learn to count if I ever hoped to win money over the long run. Did that, went back, and started noticing that at least half my table would bet minimum then bigger at the same time as me.

All the stuff the card counting books tell you not to do to blow cover, don't worry about.

Stuff I've seen:

Four people bet minimum during low counts, count gets high and they all bet on each others hands. Basically it's like getting to open up four boxes when it's to your advantage. chips being passed all around the table.

Spreading from a minimum of ten all the way up to the max of 500. Often, never questioned.

Korean casinos give you free restaurant food. You order from a menu and go eat, they hold your spot at the table, then you come back and start playing again. Guy finished eating and came back to the table, his buddy holds up both hands signaling 6. Ironically that was the count at the time. Conicidence, I don't think so. It's hilarious. I was so freaking worried about being caught when I first started and now I see how blatant it is, but the casino does nothing about it. I assume they make so much off the bigger tables they don't really care.

Tables are ten dollar min, 50 min, 100 min and 200 min.

I've only played ten and 50, but watched the others. The bigger the table the less chance of a guy knowing how to count or even basic strategy. But it's hard for me to imagine the casino is making much off their minimum tables.


Well-Known Member
Sucker said:
Famous last words: "Don't worry. My dog won't bite".
Just like that line from the Pink Panther movies.

"Sir, does your dog bite?" "No". The dog then proceeds to bite the man. The man proclaims, "I thought you said your dog doesn't bite!" To which Inspector Clouseau replies, "That's not my dog!!"


Well-Known Member
Hi bigruss-
So,you're saying all the casinos in Korea operate like the one you described? Wow!:joker:


Active Member
bigruss said:
Spreading from a minimum of ten all the way up to the max of 500. Often, never questioned.
And other times...questioned, interrogated, or worse? :eek: Details, if available, por favor.



It's South Korea obviously.

There are only a handful of casinos in Korea.

Sorry victorino about the wording. Often, as in they spread to the max often and it's never, ever questioned by the casino.

As far as the "my dog won't bite", they may indeed decide to throw us out one day, but it's sorta hard not to take advantage of it right now.

I don't know about all the casinos. I only play two, both are in Seoul, and they are both called "Seven Luck". There is one more, but it's sorta out of the way for me so I haven't been there.

Of the two I play, I only see the blatant "I'm counting" stuff take place at just one of them.


bigruss said:
As far as the "my dog won't bite", they may indeed decide to throw us out one day, but it's sorta hard not to take advantage of it right now.
Take advantage, but try to stay off their radar from here on.
Use a little cover. zg


Well-Known Member
Can you use the current exchange rate and explain what the table minimums and maximums are -- as well as the rules and levels of penetration.



zengrifter said:
Take advantage, but try to stay off their radar from here on.
Use a little cover. zg
Yeah, the only thing I do that would be obvious is betting on a fellow counter's box that I know well. But I only do that when he's at the table. Those other folks that I don't know will put chips in front of my box at times to throw in on top of mine. I oblige them, but I don't go in with them on their box.

I only spread 10 to 1 max, but usually 5 to 1.


zengrifter said:
Play all or wong game? zg
I play all if the majority of the table are counters. It just seems bad etiquette to go in and out and let someone else take the crap cards when they know what's going on. A guy that I know well that's a counter there, wongs in and out all the time and it really pisses off the other counters.

If the other people at the table don't count and the count goes really low, I'll act like I've got a phone call, wong out and stand behind the table pretending to talk on my phone until it gets good again.


FLASH1296 said:
Can you use the current exchange rate and explain what the table minimums and maximums are -- as well as the rules and levels of penetration.
Penetration is dependent upon the dealer, they are suppose to cut a deck off, so generally speaking 83%. But I've seen some who cut a "thick" deck where you maybe don't get more than 80%. And there's a Korean/American kid I play with that uses "Zen" and he'll tell the dealer in Korean that a thin back cut is good luck, and tip her/him if she'll cut it a littler thin. The dealer will usually do it for the tip.

Table minimum is 10,000 won, which is a little less than ten American dollars right now.

Maximum is 500,000 won.

Rules are resplit aces, DAS, and they pay BJ if you hit trip sevens. I don't know if that's common of if they just do it because of the casino name.

They also have a side bet that pays 11 to 1 on any pair. Generally, with six decks your odds of getting a pair should be a little worse than 13 to 1. I would think your odds would improve on this on a very high or low count, but I don't know if it would get below 11 to 1. The count was extremely low the other day though, and I was way up on blackjack hands, so for the hell of it I bet all the boxes for the pair and hit two.


bigruss said:
I play all if the majority of the table are counters. It just seems bad etiquette to go in and out and let someone else take the crap cards when they know what's going on. A guy that I know well that's a counter there, wongs in and out all the time and it really pisses off the other counters.

If the other people at the table don't count and the count goes really low, I'll act like I've got a phone call, wong out and stand behind the table pretending to talk on my phone until it gets good again.
1-5 won't cut it UNLESS you wong. You are spinning your wheels with that.
Personally, even with the rules and pene you cite, I wouldn't even use 1-10 play all - still not enough.
Be a little less concerned about others, counters or not. Wong out.
Do more wong-in backbetting too. zg


zengrifter said:
1-5 won't cut it UNLESS you wong. You are spinning your wheels with that.
Personally, even with the rules and pene you cite, I wouldn't even use 1-10 play all - still not enough.
Be a little less concerned about others, counters or not. Wong out.
Do more wong-in backbetting too. zg
We'll see, I'm up six grand since I started counting in september. I'm not a big better and just don't have the bankroll to take huge risks. I generally buy in with a very high risk of ruin for that day. If I lose it I walk. May lose it in thirty minutes, but I get my rear out.

Game just appears to be very streaky to me. However, my winning sessions to losing sessions seem to be about 50/50 and since I don't risk much on the buy in, my losing sessions are never awful. I only buy in for 300, have left with as much as a 1700 dollar profit on a great night.

You guys have been doing this awhile and you may be absolutely right. I'm not pretending to know more than you. But this is working right now for me for five months.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
Can you use the current exchange rate and explain what the table minimums and maximums are -- as well as the rules and levels of penetration.
I doubt you'll get away with anything there as an American.


it's a foreign only casino

moo321 said:
I doubt you'll get away with anything there as an American.
Only foreigners can go. You have to present your passport or national id card at the door. You can't get in if you are a Korean national. I'm American and they treat me no different than any other foreigner there.

I've never seen an obvious counter at a big table though. So it's likely not worth a trip over here to just play the low end tables. An airline ticket from the states generally costs nearly 2 grand.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but

Yeah but do they show the cards face up each day?
Ive heard that on Walker Hill and perhaps in every Korean casino, they dont fan the cards face up. Ever. (meaning possibly a short deck.)


Well-Known Member
The same thing could be done in Atlantic City on the low limit tables. Since they can't ban counters, they can be blatant about counting and get away with it.