Go to the Basic Strategy Engine on the site here and print out the rules. 6 Decks I think, DAS, DA2, no resplit of Aces, Early Surrender vs 10 and A. The edge is .03%.la_dee_daa said:i highly doubt the bclc would ever give this low of an edge i dont think there is anything below a .5% edge all 6 deck or 5 deck csms.. to get to that edge like that i of .03% you would need to have a double deck game with really good rules.. with 5 decks i don't think its possible unless they start offering 2-1 blackjack.
this is the bclc here.. remember they don't even want you to have a chance to get lucky here.
iv never seen a dealer almost pay a losing or push hand but almost every time I go at least one dealer will try to take my winning or push bet... a little to convenient for me.
You have to remember, how many people play 100% correct Basic Strategy? 1 in 50? With Most players the Casino has a huge edge.
It is all government regulated. They need to justify themselves you know. Offering good rules is justification that people needn't blow so much cash.