counting question


when you guys count do you watch every card and count it right as it comes out or wait till all the cards are out and then just cancel out the pairs?


Well-Known Member
Different people use different techniques. When playing shoe games (face up) I generally wait until the second card is dealt to first-base and start counting at that point. Then, I count each card as it is dealt in the hit/stand portion of the hand. If the count is close to decision indices and someone had taken a double down, sometimes the dealer will get cute and deal the card face down. If he does, I will ask to see the "down" card....but usually I don't have to ask because someone else will generally ask first.


Well-Known Member
2 at a time or just a glance will do

Counting for as long as I have, I can not help but count. Generally, I begin counting two cards at a time skipping neutral cards. Often they will cancel each other out. I found out many years ago that when I have a conversation with the pit, waitress or some other distraction, I can just glance at the table and adjust the count instantly with perhaps 15 cards on the table. When I first realised this, I tested myself at home many many times and have confidence today in just looking at a table full of cards and instantly adjusting. I know this has convinced suspicious pits in the past who started long conversations with me, thought I would lose the count if I was counting, and I continued with my play (if the shoe was juicy) and it never resulted in a backoff even when I went to max bet.



Well-Known Member
I Play Hand Held

With hand held game I begain counting with the dealers up-card and count hit cards as they come out, always looking for a bust inwhich most players will drop their cards on the table face-up, must be counted before the dealer grabs them up, then after the dealer plays her hand you count her cards first and follow along she will flip over each players cards and pay them one at a time. Sounds complicated but it is not. For a newby I recommend you backstand and count for practice, until you are comfotable with your skill of counting, keep your money in your pocket, and off the felt.


Active Member
Recent new counter here.

I play a shoe game and I start my count at the dealers up card then go down the line with pairs. Skip the canceling pairs. Also you'll have pairs that cancel each other out.

Here are some things I recommend.

- play at the lowest min somewhat crowded table since there are a few BJ noobs and it seems like dealers try to advise them. gives more time to count.

- get Casino Verite and play fastest dealing/payoff mode with obvious plays (skip on pat hands). took me about 20 hours in this mode to follow the count consistently.

- practice counting a deck or two at work with your manager nearby. talk about heat!


Well-Known Member
For just practice counting purposes, smart cards software in my opinion is superior to casino verite. It offers amazing counting drills and you can even customize you own counting drills. Not sure if Ken has added it to the store.


Well-Known Member
i start with the dealers hand after they flip it and deal themselves cards then follow it down the line as they flip everyones cards over. counting busts and blackjacks as they happen.