Counting Systems for Beginners


I've noticed the same in some of the counts and fluctuation and using bs also helps me! When the count gets bad I usualy sit out, go to the restroom if I have to. If I sit out I still mantain a count. What Also works for me is that I can make money with a little bank roll. I've been playing blackjack for about 5 years and just started using speed count! I've been in the hilton million,qualified and made it to the thrird table in the finals!! I won my second tournament for only 5000 dollars. I've played against some of the best! I have the software cvbj and been working with it and it's helped alot!!


Well-Known Member
shipman said:
I learned speed count anad my first visit to a casino I made 850 with only 40 dallors on a 8 deck shoe!! went back again and made 500! So It WORKS PREETY GOOD FOR ME!!

shipman said:
Made these two trips just last week at a Indian casino. Ialso took a trip to vegas at the end of April and turned 10 dallors into 400, 60 into 600!!! I learned the system from Frank Scoblete's book Golden touch blackjack revolution! It didn't take too long to learn either!

I thought you said your FIRST visit was just last week - which would have been in May (at least where I am). How could you have taken a trip at the end of April and used this counting system too?? :confused:



My First Try At The Speed Count Was 2 Weeks Before The End Of April At The Indian Casino. Then I Tried It In Vegas Then Went Back To The Indian Casino 3 Weeks Later. I Hope this makes sense Now? Sorry For The Confusion.


SPX said:
I have been considering KO Rookie, KISS I and Red 7. I am a pretty scatterbrained individual and sometimes have a hard time concentrating and dealing with numbers, so I am willing to sacrifice a little accuracy for ease of use.
Use the KISS-3 or Red7 or KO count with CA-BS (count-adjusted basic strategy). No indices necessary. zg
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Well-Known Member
I would suggest not trying to count or gamble at all if you have a scattered mind, let a professional invest your money.. USB Pain Webber would be a good start.
shipman said:
Made these two trips just last week at a Indian casino. Ialso took a trip to vegas at the end of April and turned 10 dallors into 400, 60 into 600!!! I learned the system from Frank Scoblete's book Golden touch blackjack revolution! It didn't take too long to learn either!
looks like a shill to me, or whatever the correct word is for somebody who comes to a forum and pretends to be a regular person in order to get people to buy their products.. id say there is an 80% chance this guy is real, but the way he worded it it sounds like one of those get rich quick schemes.. how much did u say you made? "i started with only $50 and i made $10000 in only 1 week! it can work for you too!"
asiafever said:
Here is a little tip about shilling: try not to advertise your product in your first few posts and try not to make it sound too good to be true, everyone will know you are a shill else.
ah! see! i know you were the first to call him a shill, but i swear to u, i typed it as soon as i read his post just and then i turned to the next page and bam, there you are saying the same thing
shipman said:
I have been careful as I play! I've been paying attention as I watch the cards and I seem to know when to strike!!
why do you talk like this!!!!!!!!! with ! after everything you type!!!!! its kinda weird!!!!!
SPX said:
What counting system would you guys suggest for someone who is just starting to get into counting?

I have been considering KO Rookie, KISS I and Red 7. I am a pretty scatterbrained individual and sometimes have a hard time concentrating and dealing with numbers, so I am willing to sacrifice a little accuracy for ease of use.

I was looking into Speed Count and OPP, but have heard that they aren't really worth the trouble.

I have BJ Blue Book II and was looking over KISS Level I, but have a bit of a bias against the system for what will ultimately seem to be an entirely silly reason to everyone, and that is simply that I can't get over the name. "Keep It Simple, Stupid." Why? KO, Red 7, Zen. . . These all sound cool. But I would probably look to the ground when I said I practiced a system based off the acronym KISS.

Silly, I know. . . So you guys can avoid posts that say things like:

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."
thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard! god your an idiot! what the eff man? how are you that stupid!! haha jk.. ya i have read lots of these types of posts and all i hear is "if you cant do hi-lo, go with ko", that seems to be the consensus.. hi-lo > ko > dont bother.. remember, the crappier the system, the more money you need (spread), so if you want to go super easy, you will need a larger bankroll.. at least thats what i have read elsewhere and on here.. but i have heard ko is the best out of all the easy systems