Cover Play Ideas

White Guy

Well-Known Member
I recently found another good game after being given the boot from one of my favorite spots.. I am now a huge fan of cover plays. I have been able to grind away about 5k at new place in 6 trips, all rated ( I know rated sucks but it would be a red flag if I didn't since they all already know me by 1st name and I am a "regular" now ).

Here are a few covers I have been using that seem to work, I know some lower EV but I am looking at longevity as Vegas kinda sucks lately. PLEASE ADD A FEW THAT YOU USE.

1.) Doubling Hard 12 in - counts or 7,8 in low + counts when I have a min bet out just to seem "crazy". Double some Soft hands against BS.
2.) Come into a shoe with a 4 unit bet and don't bet less than that the whole shoe unless the count goes super -. If it goes up good parlay it and it looks like I am only using a 2-1 spread.
3.) Use as many BS variations as I can remember to make it seem like I was playing by "feel."
4.) Increase my spreads as I win. I am not worried about ROR vs BR since I don't play with a fixed roll so as I win $$ I increase my min and max bets each trip. If I am on a losing streak I lower it.
5.) Side bets when the count justifies it.

Any others?


Well-Known Member
Double your 12s for less. It makes you look twice as stupid while costing you less.
As far as your suggestion #2 goes- you are only playing with a 1-2 spread. You are not fooling anyone except, it seems, yourself.


Well-Known Member
I've found that playing errors don't really fool anyone. Because they usually don't know how to play, they just look for bet variation.


Well-Known Member
DITTO...unless you are playing a real sweatshop and SD/DD, you are wasting $$$$

plz elaborate on your "boot"...curious how it went down and what is your spread, how long do you play, etc.

White Guy

Well-Known Member
I am playing DD.. Funny you mention they don't notice variations, maybe for the most part it is true. I have been told by a pit boss once though "that play was weird, even for you" I split 4's or 5's or something against a 10 to "change up the flow" So who knows..

The boot was just basically something to the effect of you can't play here anymore, you are too good or make too much $$ or something.. The casino was really good at tracking how much $ came in and went out, It was a local spot, they probably just figured I was winning consistently so must be counting. I went 4-5 times a month and made about 2-3k consistently per month for a little while before that happened. playing late hours, mainly HU or one other player. It also was a low limit place 200 max and I was betting max a lot so that didn't help. It was mainly DD 1-8 spread. Although I played a little Multi..


Well-Known Member
Do you rathole? Its an effective way of adding some longevity. Try ratholing 2x your ev every hour, whether you are winning or losing. I also like small buyins to make it look like I'm a loser when I lose my buyin in the first deck or 2 and have to pull out more cash.


Well-Known Member
If you want a great cover play, know the indices for doubling your 8s with your counting system of choice. I've seen lots of ploppies double 8s and it's usually a terrible play, so if you're looking for a great cover play that actually makes you money then double those 8s.
moo321 said:
I've found that playing errors don't really fool anyone. Because they usually don't know how to play, they just look for bet variation.
Exactly. It's all about the spreading. Dr. CAA explained this in his book, they might not even be looking for bet variation with count, just bet variation. The only place any cover will help you is in a place where they are actually analyzing your skill.


Well-Known Member
White Guy said:
I am playing DD.. Funny you mention they don't notice variations, maybe for the most part it is true. I have been told by a pit boss once though "that play was weird, even for you" I split 4's or 5's or something against a 10 to "change up the flow" So who knows..
They might notice the plays but it doesn't really label you as a non-counter. Its all about your wins, and as has already been mentioned, your bet variations.
If you post several winning sessions thats whats going to get you noticed, then they'll evaluate your betting patterns.
Make smart cover bets and you must rathole to post "losing" sessions.


Well-Known Member
for most dealer and supervisor , playing bs is already crazy as u hit 15 and 16

and while u doubling a 10 vs 10 , 11vs A ,. 8 vs 5 , A8 vs 5 seems u are mad

and i heard some comment for me is playing flat bet most time is abnormal while i begin to bet some large spread by large count they report the manager that i become ? "normal" again


Well-Known Member
Only idiots and counters split tens, so if you split tens just once in a situation when the count doesn't justify it, the pit boss will brand you as an idiot.

White Guy

Well-Known Member
Rat Hole?

I thought about this but it is a small casino, I guess I would just do it before I color up? Then slowly cash it back in over a few trips? That sounds like a pretty good idea. Make it seem like I lose a couple grand on the next few trips..


Well-Known Member
White Guy said:
I thought about this but it is a small casino, I guess I would just do it before I color up? Then slowly cash it back in over a few trips? That sounds like a pretty good idea. Make it seem like I lose a couple grand on the next few trips..
I don't know if this is correct or not, but when I rat-hole at the table, I still cash them out that day. When you cash-out at the cage, there is no way to tie the winnings to your account (unless they ask for a card or something), at least that I know of, unless surveillance watches you walk from the table to the cage and sees that you have more than what you left the table with. (I highly doubt this would happen, even to high-rollers, though).



Well-Known Member
Southpaw said:
I don't know if this is correct or not, but when I rat-hole at the table, I still cash them out that day. When you cash-out at the cage, there is no way to tie the winnings to your account (unless they ask for a card or something), at least that I know of, unless surveillance watches you walk from the table to the cage and sees that you have more than what you left the table with. (I highly doubt this would happen, even to high-rollers, though).

Depends on many things.

I will frequently cash out my rat holed chips during a break or wong out period.

In a lot of stores you can just add them together and cash them at the end.

However, I still recommend only cashing out what you colored up and if you have rat holes chips left find another cashier slightly later or save them for the next trip.

I wouldn't want a call from the cage to the pit asking about a 1k cashout when they only think I have $600. Sort of negates the rat holing doesn't it??

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say playing variations are useless. A pit boss at a small store was intently interested in me, until I split 9's against an ace. Technically this was the right play at the time so it wasn't really cover, but it had the desired effect of cover.

Some stores might just look at betting, but there are certainly other stores that look at skill.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
Also, try doubling hard 16 vs 7 for less. Very foolish against other upcards, but not bad against 7. And the dealer will probably just say "doubling hard 16!" and the pit might not see it was only for a red or even a white chip! :laugh:


Well-Known Member
This is a classic over exposure at any Casino. 4-5 times per month and winning will get you backed off at many properties. No amount of cover plays will hide your spreads. Cover plays are a waste, keep your play short and infrequent or wong.