Covering up your name on your ID


Well-Known Member
If a casino asks you for your ID for any reason, perhaps for your age or what not, is it legal to just cover up your name and refuse to hand it over?




Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
If a casino asks you for your ID for any reason, perhaps for your age or what not, is it legal to just cover up your name and refuse to hand it over?
Yes. You are not legally required to show ID to any casino employee. You are only required to show ID to a police officer. If you refuse to show ID to the casino then they can force you to leave (since they can’t verify your age) but they cannot arrest you.



Well-Known Member
I would be worried that they would try to snatch it out of my hand. If you start acting suspicious they might have more reason to want to know your name. I would rather leave and come back later than make a scene with the pit bosses. They'll definitely remember your name after that.



Well-Known Member

Sonny said:
Yes. You are not legally required to show ID to any casino employee. You are only required to show ID to a police officer. If you refuse to show ID to the casino then they can force you to leave (since they can’t verify your age) but they cannot arrest you.

You are not required to carry or show ID to a cop if they ask, unless you are driving a vehicle. It makes things go easier, but the only thing required is to identify yourself by true name. I NEVER carry ID when I'm in a casino. They can ask, but I don't even have the ability to comply let alone actually comply with their asinine requests.


Casinos have no right to ask you who you are, where you live, what you had for breakfast, or whether you slept with the girl next door the night before. Or any other personal details.

Showing ID but covering your name sounds suspicious. Better simply not to produce any ID at all.

If you're really concerned, there are a number of places on the Internet that will provide "dodgy ID" in any name you choose. I'm not personally recommending or suggesting those, but they would overcome the issues you mention.