Craps promotion question


Well-Known Member
I have no idea how to play craps but I recently found a casino that was offering the promotion 'double odds on line bets and come bets'. 2 questions:

1) Does this make it a positive EV game? (without dice control)

2) If so, roughly how long would it take me to learn how to play craps to take advantage of this promotion?


Staff member
"Odds" on line bets or come bets are wagers that are paid off at the true odds. Here in the US, virtually every casino offers double odds, and many offer much more with 10X odds common. Some Tunica casinos offered 100X odds, and may still do so.

You place an odds bet after a point has been established. The payoff depends on which number is the point. For example, if the point is a 4, then the odds bet pays 2:1, which is exactly true odds. (Making a 7 is twice as likely as making a 4.)

Depending on how you do the calculation, these games can offer a game with a miniscule house edge. However, to be eligible to make these 0% edge bets, you still must place a small line bet at the usual 1.4% disadvantage.

Therefore, no matter how high the multiple of odds offered, it will never eliminate the house edge completely.


Well-Known Member
Is 3-4-5 on the odds commonly found in LV? Which are the best craps games on the strip?


Well-Known Member
newb99 said:
Is 3-4-5 on the odds commonly found in LV? Which are the best craps games on the strip?
Yes, in 90% of the casinos on the strip you will find 3,4 and 5 times odds. As far as the best game, the Casino Royale ( between Harrah's & Venetian) used to offer 100x odds, I haven't played there in over 2 years, it's kinda dumpy.

I've also found recently 100x odds at Horseshoe in Council Bluffs Iowa. So there is good games out there if you look around.

Personally, I don't worry much about the odds, being a controlled shooter who plays with another controlled shooter ( who I think is the best I've ever seen) I just look to kinda hit and run, very similar to CC.