Crazy Martingale Bettor I've seen today

I saw a guy today that used this as a betting scheme.


he made it through 2 shoes and was making money off every other hand. But finally the 3rd deck came and he got killed.

his 4th bet was even a double down a soft 14 vs a 5.

The funny thing is before I sat down I noticed he had one of those fancy laminated basic strategy charts, but he also had a nice collection of chips probably 4 blacks a nice pile of greens and maybe $80 in reds. So in my mind maybe he's putting on a act and its my chance to catch a free ride and let this guy count cards for me.

He stormed off after he lost the big bet and told the dealer "**** you".

4 bets for a Martingale system is just crazy in my mind just thought I would share.


Active Member
crazy martingale

Was the crazy martingale, 15 - 45 - 150 used as a progressive progression or truly as a martingale and only used after a loss. IF positive, was the entire bet range used on each run or did it positively progress until a loss then revert to the original 15 bet? Thanks for your info. I was reading a thread yesterday that sounds like the same system...maybe the same guy. But, I'd like to know precisely how the system was applied??


Well-Known Member

I mean it doesn't even make sense as martingale.

Secondly why don't these morons do this sort of thing on line, or on a computer for fun and see what will happen? Are they really that stupid?

I knew one guy who would play on a computer until he got a bad streak and lost, then he would go to the casino because he throught he was now due for better cards.
Crazy Martingale Bettor I've

If he uses a limited 3 tier MG as a camolflage, with a POS outcome thats OK.
I have done so myself, to appear as a ploppie.

Insulting the dealer like that is stupid! The sign of an ahole!

As long as you pick your spots with a limited 3 tier MG, you wont get ruined.
But I have found that you can lose your count when you use the MG, and it can throw off the count, especially on DD's & splits.


Well-Known Member
better lucky than good said:
If he uses a limited 3 tier MG as a camolflage, with a POS outcome thats OK.
I have done so myself, to appear as a ploppie.

Insulting the dealer like that is stupid! The sign of an ahole!

As long as you pick your spots with a limited 3 tier MG, you wont get ruined.
But I have found that you can lose your count when you use the MG, and it can throw off the count, especially on DD's & splits.
DD and splits while betting up "throws off the count". Really!? hmmm, I dare say, you ARE a ploppie. Until you count flawlessly during your play you are just guessin, ie, ploppie. Without an accurate count ya got...........nothin(barring advanced techniques and martingale is not an advanced technique) .


Well-Known Member
Tier MG

I thought a knew a fair deal about winning at BJ, but i must confess i know nothing about limited 3 tier Mg.

I enjoy winning at BJ, so please tell me what is limited 3 tier MG.


Active Member
Limited three tier Martingale

MeWin$ said:
I thought a knew a fair deal about winning at BJ, but i must confess i know nothing about limited 3 tier Mg.

I enjoy winning at BJ, so please tell me what is limited 3 tier MG.
In case you do not know, a Martingale is a negative betting progression which has you double your previous bet each time you lose. Ie bet $5 lose Bet$10 lose Bet 20 and so forth and so on. At any point in the progression you win then you have recovered all that you lost to that point plus your original bet. But. the money grows large quickly if you continue losing. 5-10-20-40-80-160-320-640. etc. etc. The Limited 3 tier is simply only doubling your bet three times and then returning to your original bet if you do not win with one of the three tier bets. Example: $5 - $10 -20 -40 is a true three tier martingale. I do not even use that. I only use the martingale until I lose three times then return to the original bet. A full Martingale will always eventually ruin you, however, a limited Martingale has a very useful place in winning at system play blackjack. I do not play systems any longer, but I won for many years doing so and always used a three bet loss or three tier Martingale as a recovery system. I count now, but truthfully, I sure can't tell I do any better by dong so. Anyway, there you have it .. The limited Martingale.


Well-Known Member
leatherguyray said:
In case you do not know, a Martingale is a negative betting progression which has you double your previous bet each time you lose. Ie bet $5 lose Bet$10 lose Bet 20 and so forth and so on. At any point in the progression you win then you have recovered all that you lost to that point plus your original bet. But. the money grows large quickly if you continue losing. 5-10-20-40-80-160-320-640. etc. etc. The Limited 3 tier is simply only doubling your bet three times and then returning to your original bet if you do not win with one of the three tier bets. A full Martingale will always eventually ruin you, however, a limited Martingale has a very useful place in winning at system play blackjack. I do not play systems any longer, but I won for many years doing so and always used a three or four tier Martingale as a recovery system. I count now, but truthfully, I sure can't tell I do any better by dong so. Anyway, there you have it .. The limited Martingale.
OK, I'll can you possibly make any money this way? Assuming a $5 min bet, if you stop after doubling your bet 3 times you're going to be out $75. Then you're going to return to a $5 bet. It's going to take 20 $5 wins w/o losing to make up for this one little losing streak, and then you'll only be up $5.


Well-Known Member
Betting systems like martingale do work (i.e. not letting you get broke), but ONLY when you play a +EV game - and your max bet is cut below Kelly.
But this is not an excuse to actually use them. Flat betting Kelly will have a better performance.

However there ARE special conditions when a martingale progression is justified, when you want to place large bets on +EV games but want to be seen as a losing ploppy.


Active Member
How do you make money?

21gunsalute said:
OK, I'll can you possibly make any money this way? Assuming a $5 min bet, if you stop after doubling your bet 3 times you're going to be out $75. Then you're going to return to a $5 bet. It's going to take 20 $5 wins w/o losing to make up for this one little losing streak, and then you'll only be up $5.
As you and I both know, conversations such as the one we are entering into do little, if anyting, other than promote argument and stiff-necked resistance to the subject matter discussed. However, you asked and since I've used it for many years over many thousands of hours of play, I'll answer.

First, your math is a bit off. Assuming the nickle bet you provided, after losing three times one would be down $35 when he returned to his nickle bet. Not $75. Still, it does take 7 wins to overcome that loss. In the limited Martingale one does not "make" the majority of his money off that part of the process. It is used, by me at least, as a recovery thing to recover the hands I will lose whether using that system or not. Fortunately, on all but the very, very worst card days one will only lose the three in a row occasionally and will recover by doing it successfully far more times than not. It is simply a gamble, but one based on observational math that says you will win one of those three more often than you will lose all three in a row. That is not written in blood, and on a hard day it will eat you quickly, but on average, it works to help considerably.

When playing a system .. and let me stress that I count now ...but when playing a system that does not depend upon a full martingale to attempt winning, the player winnings come mostly from the foreward progression. The successful play I used so long applied both a limited martingale and a prositive progresson.

Now, having gotten into this a bit let me add something that goes to the first post on this thread about the guy playing the three tier martingale and doing well then not so much so. The $15-$45-$135 one. I asked the writer a question about it but have gotten no reply. Prior to that a fellow told a story and really claimed some fantastic results with that bet pattern. Just a martingale, but instead of simply recovering your money and your original bet, upon a win, the pattern makes double or more than the original bet. Being an old system player I liked the sound of that and had never thught of it so I played many hands on the computer checking it out. I added an old system play thing that I always used of quitting after any 4 losses in a row. Quite until a new shoe or quit and change tables or just plain quit. It worked absolutely fantastically on the computer, but still I did not go to the store with it. I kept counting those red sevens. And losing, I might add.

I live in Oklahoma and one can't really gamble much here because there is a table ante to play most of the time most places (some promotional exceptions) and the store near me has terrible penetration. But, I wanted to play a little out of boredome the other day so went to the local store and decided to play that martingale system. If I am not going to count I simply can not resist using some sort of system play. I've done it too long. I bought in for $300 and played a cheaper version of the same martingale discussed. The bet times 3 and times 3 on that bet if you lose. the original poster used 15-45-135. I used $10-40-100 and back to ten then quit if the ten lost. I won $1,850.00 in one hour and fifteen minutes. Lucky??? Sure, probably, but sure was good to feel a nice win under my belt since it has been so long since I've had one. Am I convinced??? Certainally not or I would forget this counting business, but I am here to tell you very factually, regardless of what anyone wants to think, some given systems used properly, in limited ways with great, great, great displine do win and "can" remain winners for a long time because I did. The long run? Who the heck knows. I don't and I'm going with what is suposed to be the more proven method of counting, but I'm not a total believer that counting is better just yet. I'll keep plugging.


Well-Known Member
leatherguyray said:
First, your math is a bit off. Assuming the nickle bet you provided, after losing three times one would be down $35 when he returned to his nickle bet. Not $75.
I'm ignoring the rest of your post, at least for the time being. My math is fine. You didn't say 3 losses, you said double the bet 3 times:

leatherguyray said:
The Limited 3 tier is simply only doubling your bet three times and then returning to your original bet if you do not win with one of the three tier bets.
If you double a $5 bet 3 times the progression is:

gamblingghost said:
DD and splits while betting up "throws off the count". Really!? hmmm, I dare say, you ARE a ploppie. Until you count flawlessly during your play you are just guessin, ie, ploppie. Without an accurate count ya got...........nothin(barring advanced techniques and martingale is not an advanced technique) .

Sorry, I mis stated about losing the count!

What I meant to say is the the bets can get way too large if you do a DD or split!

For example, say you are on the 3hd tier of an MG, and the bet put out there is $ 40. If you split or DD, now you are risking $ 80!!!!!That $ 80 has the same effect as going to a 4th tier MG, which is risking too much! And if you lose the $ 80, you have to go back to a $ 5 bet, and it is doubtfull you will be able to recover the loss in a short session of 4 hours or less.

I haven't been able to figure out a way around this problem, unless its to ramp up my minimum bet to $ 10, which could speed a recovery or make the losses worse!

I don't reccomend using the modified 3-tier MG, at a SD table, unless its you vs. dealer or just one or two players. A 6 deck shoe game is better, because now you can use "Trending" which is bet tracking, or increasing your bets when you hit a hot streak. You don't need to count with trending, but is you can, thats even better. I wrote about Trending on a previous post.

You see, I'm an old 65 year old guy now, and my close eyesight is failing me.
So I had to invent a system that would not involve counting. I can still count down a slow SD game, but I find the casino scrutiny at SD games to be very repressive! It puts up a red flag, and says; "OK. Here is where all the CCters sit and play!" I have had every dirty tactic done to me outside of barring or back-room beatdowns done to me at SD tables.

You can call me a "ploppie" if you want to, but at least I have studied BJ for years, and have a good track record when I played. Card counting is hard work, and I never found it to be fun, and being an occasional player, I had to develop a new way of playing.


Active Member
Good Math Indeed

21gunsalute said:
I'm ignoring the rest of your post, at least for the time being. My math is fine. You didn't say 3 losses, you said double the bet 3 times:

If you double a $5 bet 3 times the progression is:

I do apologize. You are absolutely right. I did not say what I thought I said and what I intended to say. The three tier Martingale that I have practiced does not double the bet three times. It suffers three losses and returns to the original bet. 5-10-20 then back to 5. And, please feel perfectly welcomed to ignore any or all of my posts. I was only attempting to answer the question and screwed up a bit. Again, sorry.


New Member
leatherguyray said:
It is used, by me at least, as a recovery thing to recover the hands I will lose whether using that system or not.
If we could tell which hands would lose before betting, we wouldn't need a voodoo betting progression to make money.


Well-Known Member
better lucky than good said:
Sorry, I mis stated about losing the count!

What I meant to say is the the bets can get way too large if you do a DD or split!

For example, say you are on the 3hd tier of an MG, and the bet put out there is $ 40. If you split or DD, now you are risking $ 80!!!!!That $ 80 has the same effect as going to a 4th tier MG, which is risking too much! And if you lose the $ 80, you have to go back to a $ 5 bet, and it is doubtfull you will be able to recover the loss in a short session of 4 hours or less.

I haven't been able to figure out a way around this problem, unless its to ramp up my minimum bet to $ 10, which could speed a recovery or make the losses worse!

I don't reccomend using the modified 3-tier MG, at a SD table, unless its you vs. dealer or just one or two players. A 6 deck shoe game is better, because now you can use "Trending" which is bet tracking, or increasing your bets when you hit a hot streak. You don't need to count with trending, but is you can, thats even better. I wrote about Trending on a previous post.

You see, I'm an old 65 year old guy now, and my close eyesight is failing me.
So I had to invent a system that would not involve counting. I can still count down a slow SD game, but I find the casino scrutiny at SD games to be very repressive! It puts up a red flag, and says; "OK. Here is where all the CCters sit and play!" I have had every dirty tactic done to me outside of barring or back-room beatdowns done to me at SD tables.

You can call me a "ploppie" if you want to, but at least I have studied BJ for years, and have a good track record when I played. Card counting is hard work, and I never found it to be fun, and being an occasional player, I had to develop a new way of playing.
Sorry about your eyesight. Hey, I have never been taken into the back room
and beaten up either!:eek: I believe though, that neg. martingale and trending does not give the player an advantage so in the long run you will lose using these techniques. You MUST find a way to 'count' the cards to get an edge. And, I believe, you could do it if you really wanted to.
Crazy Martigale Bettor I've seen

Sometimes I feel like I'm being "back-roomed" on this forum! LOL!:whip:

No I can't count anymore. I have glaucoma, macular degeneration, and ploppy desease. And I no longer make enough money to gamble with. But mayby I can comment on this forum about my experiences, if nothing else.

I'm not a purist like so many of you elite.... I beleive gambling should be fun, and making money is fun! Isn't it? I am a recovered compulsive gambler who set out to prove to myself that I no longer had the bug to gamble. And I proved it to myself.

Sure, I miss the action. Bowling for $$$ was something I was good at long ago, beating the PBA pros out of their $$. If I couldn't beat them on the lanes, I would beat them in the billiard room!