Crowd in the Casino


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if it is me or are the crowds in the casino's in your areas thinning drastically? I mean DRASTICALLY:eek:
Before the holidays, i had people fighting to get to my machines, and the pits were full. Hard to get a seat. Minimum bets were ten bucks. Now they have actually opened a couple of 5 dollars tables to start the day.
Mon thru thursdays are dead here. Fridays are fair, Sat. are really busy, and then sunday mornings are okay , and then poof everybody is gone.
Alot of concern by the employees on what is going on.
My EV has been cut in half since Christmas. Am looking at moving on , or taking a break till things pick up...
Just wondering what thing are looking like in your local stores... Midwest area for me...

Take Care All


Machinist said:
Just wondering if it is me or are the crowds in the casino's in your areas thinning drastically? I mean DRASTICALLY:eek:
Before the holidays, i had people fighting to get to my machines, and the pits were full. Hard to get a seat. Minimum bets were ten bucks. Now they have actually opened a couple of 5 dollars tables to start the day.
Mon thru thursdays are dead here. Fridays are fair, Sat. are really busy, and then sunday mornings are okay , and then poof everybody is gone.
Alot of concern by the employees on what is going on.
My EV has been cut in half since Christmas. Am looking at moving on , or taking a break till things pick up...
Just wondering what thing are looking like in your local stores... Midwest area for me...

Take Care All

Very, very sparse!!



Well-Known Member
Slow down this way too... had a junket guy call me the other day to see if I could get a group together. He said his stores were hurting for action.
Just returned from Tunica this past Tuesday and it was actually pretty busy in the casino where I mostly play. A pit boss told me that this time of year was usually busy because of people using rapid tax refunds.


Well-Known Member
casino census

I would say that the casinos have thinned out quite a bit. I have also noticed that alot of shuffle machines are gone as are the tables. You know that this is a sign of the times and it will be getting worse before it gets better. An improptu survey of the dealers at the local joints have said that they get sent home alot more now than ever before. I even noticed alot of slots machines are gone due to lack of players. I find it kinda nice but don't like what it means when you find the joints sparsely populated.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
I would say that the casinos have thinned out quite a bit. I have also noticed that alot of shuffle machines are gone as are the tables. You know that this is a sign of the times and it will be getting worse before it gets better. An improptu survey of the dealers at the local joints have said that they get sent home alot more now than ever before. I even noticed alot of slots machines are gone due to lack of players. I find it kinda nice but don't like what it means when you find the joints sparsely populated.
Casinos are using these slow times to analyze things and wise up. Those shuffle machines are a waste of money.


Well-Known Member
In my area, Jan and Feb are the slowest months, per one of the PCs I was chatting with recently.


Well-Known Member
My home base has been exceptionally busy from Fri-Sun impacting the hours when I prefer to play.

The entertainment they have offered lately has been above par which is adding to the traffic.


PS: even the machines are packed.. with very few big winners from what I hear
You must be in my area - packed Friday and Sat. for sure. can't get a seat on a DD game. Weekday evenings can be busy too.


Well-Known Member
My local joint keeps bringing in entertainment every weekend from comedians/singers/etc.

Friday-Sunday, you can't buy yourself a seat at ANY table in the place. I went there a week ago and was stunned to see all four craps tables jam packed, and every single game in the house full, even the novelty games and the roulette tables. Must be nice to run a casino so poorly as they do here and be rewarded time and time again.


Been pretty packed in all the Casino's in Oklahoma, especially on the weekends. Hard to even get in at a table alot of times.