CT Casinos

I might be visiting CT this summer and was wondering if anyone knows which of the two casinos there had better conditions for blackjack.
I am told that only Mohegan has 5 dollar tables which I prefer because I am not a wealthy person. If the tables are 25 then there is no way I can build a big enough pot to play with.


Well-Known Member
flyingtriangle said:
I might be visiting CT this summer and was wondering if anyone knows which of the two casinos there had better conditions for blackjack.
I am told that only Mohegan has 5 dollar tables which I prefer because I am not a wealthy person. If the tables are 25 then there is no way I can build a big enough pot to play with.
try the east coast forum, you will get better traction there.
How much of a trip stake do you have? You can backcount at will in CT, and then you can play $25 tables. Always assume you are going to have to play $25 anywhere in CT or NJ.


Well-Known Member
Mo-Sun has $10-$15 on weekends too but they get crowded by 1pm. As for the $5 pit, I've never walked over to it but I've been told by many dealers that they don't like dealing there. The tables are crowded, slow, and many times it takes two players to make a decision on one hand. The pen is not very good either. 4/6 is usual

At MGM they have $10 & $15 on weekends too, but same thing happens here. By around lunch time many tables go to $25 and the lower tables are usually full. 6.5/8 is usual

I don't play at FW often but it basically the same as MGM from what I've seen and heard.

By the way, and I've said this a few times before, if there are any Mo-Sun spies lurking around here, here a few tips:

1) I hear you just hired a new VP. That guy sunk The Trop and one or two in LV from what I've been told by cutting back on everything. If you want to save money by not changing light bulbs so be it, but cutting back on service is really a lame move. Instead of freezing the joint with the AC cranked on "Super Freeze" cut back on that a bit and provide better service.

2) Provide better games, ex. better penetration and better dealers!. 85% of your dealers are so slow it takes 6-7 minutes to just shuffle a 6d shoe. Then they deal so slow with 3 players it takes about 17-20 minutes to deal that crummy 4/6 shoe.
Imagine it takes 17 minutes to deal out 4 decks of cards and the average counter can count down a deck in 20-30 seconds! Oh wait.. thats your MO, deal slow so counters will not want to play there.. yes that's it.. another great idea!

Add that up and thats 3 crappy shoes per hour and the tables not full!
We had a relief dealer take over a new shoe, by the time the original dealer returned from his break the relief dealer was just finishing the same shoe.

3) Teach the dealers to smile and have somewhat of a personality, they work in the entertainment business. Who wants to play with a miserable, barely english speaking, "I want all your money a@@hole" type of person.

Good luck Mo-Sun employees.... how much longer will you keep taking pay cuts until you realize that the people who frequent your store are making suggestions to improve your traffic but falling on deaf ears and then going elsewhere.

OK, Rants over. That's the last time I'll ever hit on this subject again guys.

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Well-Known Member
Just hit FW for a whopping 8 units lol

$100 to $0 in 10 min...$20 to $215 in 15 min dumped the 15 on The Devil's Wheel and went to work my night shift.


Well-Known Member
beating vegas said:
ct casinos are not the best games if your on the east coast and in the metro area go to ac
I do not think this assertion is well-settled. I disagree. I suspect that neither FW or AC have the "best" game on the East Coast, but I think FW is superior to AC in many ways.


Well-Known Member
House advantage, house advantage, and come to think of it House Advantage tell us the lack of surrender helps AC. For AP's Vegas takes all. Easterners like Foxwoods for the pen and the S17 rule with LS. MS not as good pen but 6D S17 LS.

Y tu, mon ami?