DD - best count?


Well-Known Member
i like tthree's explanation which helps me , but i m afraid i can not handle hi opt 2 ,how about hi opt 1 for dd ,Do you think it is worth while to switch from hi lo to hi-opt 1 with ace side count?


stopgambling said:
i like tthree's explanation which helps me , but i m afraid i can not handle hi opt 2 ,how about hi opt 1 for dd ,Do you think it is worth while to switch from hi lo to hi-opt 1 with ace side count?
No. HiLo is fine, IF you can TC accurately.


Well-Known Member
Zen, Canfield Master or HOII all work well (based on sims) with little difference between them depending on pen and spread. Take your pick and stick with it.
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Well-Known Member
Smoke8 said:
I used KO against this game with a 1 - 8 spread for 18 month's! Got fed up with playing a break even game. An AP on this site suggested ZEN with RA Indices. I took his recomendation to heart and with practice and patience have finally started putting some cash in my pocket. I think you will find Halves to be a good system, more difficult than ZEN, and a slightly lower win rate against your game of choice. HI OPT II, another excellent system, and without "A" side count will give you about the same results as ZEN. The ZEN system was easy for me because I was used to counting with the same tags, I only had to adjust to +2 for the 4,5,6 rather than + 1 ( KO ), and -2 for the 10 and Faces vs -1 ( KO ). I will always be grateful to the AP for his willingness to share and always look for his excellent, intellagant, and most helpful postings. I also thank all of the AP's for their contributions as well. If you wish to elaborate more, feel free to PM me.
Don't forget Mentor. It's a superb count for double deck, and a fine performer for the shoe too.


AnonymousCC said:
I'm using Knock-Out right now. Do you think it is good enough or is it a good idea to learn something more advanced? I have no problem with KO at all.

KO is quite okay. Playing KO at 2D for 70-min will yeild the same expectation as playing HO2 w/ASC for 62-min. zg