I play DD with a very aggressive spread of 1-20 or more. I play the same casino, rated. Do not seem to get any heat. I usually go about twice each month. I get small comps in the mail every month. Have been a consistent winner, but for small amounts. Should I reduce my spread? The reason for the big spread is that I see many others doing the same. They are obvious advantage players. I hate to reduce my spread and reduce my potential, but I am concerned with how long this will be tolerated. For obvious reasons, I prefer to keep the location private. Is this too good to be true or what. Blackjack heaven?
Also, I am planning a trip to Vegas sometime soon. From what is posted here I won't be using my usual spread. If I hit and run, what spread should I be able to get away with?
I am a part-time player. They won't see me in Vegas more than once or twice a year. MM