Dealer Bust Percentage on Stiffs at Warm / Hot Counts


Hey guys. I've been looking everywhere for this info but can't find it anywhere:

Does anyone know the percantage a dealer will bust on stiff hands as the running or true count rises?

Now, I know the OVERALL percentage of dealer busting at higher counts actually decreases, but that's not what I'm asking. When the dealer shows for example, a 5 or 6, and the TC is > 4, I think most agree that the chances for the dealer busting rise above the normal 42%... but how much higher?

If anyone has this info please let me know for 2-6 stiff hands if possible. Or let me know the best way I can sim it in CV. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I'm a little surprised that the dealer bust rate for an Ace is such a straight line. It looks like at +2 the bust rate is somewhere between 11 and 12%, so I'm questioning why the index for surrendering 17 against an Ace calls for not surrendering the hand at a TC of 2 or higher.


BJFan said:

This will help you:

(Dead link: and

Thanks BJFan! That first link was exactly what I was looking for. I'm usually pretty good at searching for stuff online.. I can't believe I couldn't find it!