Dealer cheat you on purpose?


Well-Known Member
There have been several instances where angry dealers (probably either because I didn't tip what they expected, or they knew I was counting, or some other reason) have intentionally made multiple errors against me. These include:

Not paying winning hands

Taking winning bets/pushes

Colouring up my winnings for less (in one case $1,000 less, and the supervisor missed the error, and so did I!)

Calling out wrong totals for hands (12 instead of 21)

I am not talking about innoncent mistakes that all dealers make once in a while. These are dealers who do some or all of the above in one shoe. They are experienced, but for some reason hate you. When I tried to correct them, they completely ignored me, and refused to correct the error until a supervisor did so.

I can think of at least five instances where dealers have done this. You really need to keep an eye on these assholes. Once it was a female, the other times it was male.


Well-Known Member
shinyam said:
There have been several instances where angry dealers (probably either because I didn't tip what they expected, or they knew I was counting, or some other reason) have intentionally made multiple errors against me. These include:

Not paying winning hands

Taking winning bets/pushes

Colouring up my winnings for less (in one case $1,000 less, and the supervisor missed the error, and so did I!)

Calling out wrong totals for hands (12 instead of 21)

I am not talking about innoncent mistakes that all dealers make once in a while. These are dealers who do some or all of the above in one shoe. They are experienced, but for some reason hate you. When I tried to correct them, they completely ignored me, and refused to correct the error until a supervisor did so.

I can think of at least five instances where dealers have done this. You really need to keep an eye on these assholes. Once it was a female, the other times it was male.
I hate one dealer in particular. Every time I raised my bet size, he got nervous. He will check how many cards left in the shoe. Or re-shuffle even the yellow did not come out yet. He will say "Oh, I thought the yellow card came out," or, "someone made a mistake to place the yellow card. The penetration shouldn't be this deep." He also tried to pay me short or grab my chips even I won!

But he is the pit boss' star because very few people can win at his table.


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
If the dealer is doing it over and over, on purpose, tell the PB.

If the PB doesn't do anything, call gaming.
One time a ploppy called the pit boss after the dealer re-shuffle early. (Still about 3 cards left to the yellow card.) The pit boss came and see 5 of 6 players had MAX bet in place. He knew what's going on. After a few quiet words to the dealer, he offered no explanation to the ploppy and went back to his station. So I said clearly the dealer has pit boss' approval.

Everybody went back to the table minimal. Awkward!


Well-Known Member
If possible don't play with those dealers. There are miserable people in all professions. If you are sure that they are intentionally working against you and the option of not playing at their tables is not possible because their casino is too small and tables are few, then spend a few sheckles tipping the dealer. Money talks.


Well-Known Member

Ive seen it time and time again: If you complain or anger the dealer, you get dealer errors against you. It just happens, be it subconsious or conscious.
It pays to always be nice; in fact ive seen the reverse happen often where a nice player gets a favourable mispay.


Well-Known Member
i have often had a push bet mistakenly taken by the dealer... most of the time this is an error, but you have to be on your toes to catch stuff like this.

Last time i played, i was at a table that was getting alot of green/black action. TC was around 2 so i expected to see paint everywhere. I was very closely watching dealer's deal and i saw him deal a K to the customer on third base betting $200 a hand and i saw a flash of the 8 of diamonds to himself. (this facedown card would eventually be dealer's up card so no HC opportunity).

Somehow the 8 of diamonds magically got to the customer and the dealer's up card was an ACE. (the dealer's downcard was not another 8 of diamonds either)

it just served as a reminder to STAY AWAKE when you're at the tables!


Well-Known Member
Yep what MeWin$ says. There's numerous, mostly subtle benefits of having someone on your side or outright like you. There's numerous detriments to having someone not like you.