Dealers second card


The simulation games I have played and what seems to be the standard dealer routine goes like this. Dealer deals one card to each player them one upcard to himself, dealer then deals a second card to players and one downcard to himself, then players play their hand.

My question is what are the consequences when the dealer does not give himself the second downcard until all players hands are played. i.e when you are playing your hand the dealers only has one upcard on the table then draws his second card once your done.

Im thinking this would not be of much concern if your table is empty, which is rare luxury in the lower limit tables. But lets say you have a full table (7 players) and you're keeping a running/total count. If its a favourable count at the start of betting, once all the players cards are dealt the count has the chance to swing back before the dealers second card is taken making your starting advantage useless.

If this is the situation my thinking is you would need to wait for a even more favourable count before incresing units to reduce to chance of a late swing.


Staff member
The true count when the dealer draws his second card will on average be exactly the same as the true count before the round was dealt. Therefore, you can ignore this change in rules for the effect on card counting.

Note that the running count will on average decrease in magnitude before the dealer gets his second card. It will tend to approach zero from whichever direction. That fact is meaningless however. It is the true count that matters, not the running count.

As discussed in several other threads about ENHC, the basic strategy is affected, and the game is less favorable to the player. But that has nothing to do with the question that was asked.


Thanks Ken, I didnt know about ENHC European No Hole Card game. I had only seen the style played at the local casino. Good to note the BS deviations aswel.

I see ENHC increases the estimated house edge by 0.11% with our rules. At least shoes are played on $15 min and under tables.