Tarzan said:
Left field. This thread has really gone off into left field! Holy SH*T can anyone stay focused on a given subject around here or is ADD rampant on BJINFO? You can get robbed just as easily at a PA casino as you can with a NJ casino as you can in Vegas as you can in St. Louis, etc. You stand just as good a chance of being robbed in the vincinity of a PA casino as you do with an AC casino.
The difference is that you stand a better chance of winning (before being robbed) at a PA casino over a NJ casino due to better blackjack rules. It's a much better quality game and AC seems to not understand that they have lost blackjack customers due to their crummier rules. They are simply no competition to PA casinos when it comes to blackjack.
Please accept our apologies if our posts about ghetto-criminals have displeased you.
Many more reason have ruined AC casinos in addition to crummier rules & the nearby competitions.
Depression is one of the factors. It has stopped wall street highrollers from dropping millions into AC casinos. Prior 2008, I saw one such gambler ("N--h") who dropped 4 purple chips into Dealer X's toke box after the dealer busted his hand of 6 on top, monkey at the bottom, & topped with another monkey. Of course, subsequently the casino took him to the cleaners.
Also crimes in AC don't improve the bad situation (hence, our posts indirectly were in response to your first post). Recently the hardcore ghetto criminals have scared away potential gamblers and visitors.
Bad comp policies have also hurt the AC casinos. A chief said he quit going to Hilton because it has given him almost nothing in return for his actions.
Sweating money is another mortal sin for some AC casinos. For example, even a female dealer pissed at her own casino. She said that when somebody had won big for awhile, management would sweat the money by dropping the $10,000 max bet down to $3,000. If there's no big actions at tables, no decent tokes for her, and that why she's pissed. The dealer loses tips, and the casino loses patrons as a result of sweating.
WABJ11 said:
Getting back on topic:
You can thank Ken Uston for the crappy AC Blackjack.
Is Kenny at fault? James Grosjean would definitely disagree with you. He and his pardner Mankodi have still found "weak dealers" to make money from AC. In fact, Mankodi is suing an AC casino for tackling, backrooming, and illegally imprisoning him. Unlike AP-Doug's lawsuits, Mankodi gets a fair chance to win his lawsuit because he hires Super Counselor Bob as his lawyer

Subsequent bad conditions should not be blamed against good guys. Ken fought for the rights of APs and won. Is it Ken's fault when AC games are bad now? Likewise, Dr. King fought for the rights of his people and won (i.e, he has paved the road for Obama to White house!). Is it King's fault when many inmates are his people (due to poverty, lack of morals, joblessness, etc..)? Ken & King are not at faults, and they're always heros, and they should not be blamed for bad things right now
