tthree said:
If this is not a fictitious game the casino didn't use barring as their primary countermeasure. Either they were building a data base of APs to be sold to casinos around the country or their counter measure is to offer the best game to bring in customers but not APs. You say they only had 1 or 2 tables with this great game. They probably had a camera located to get a perfect photo for each seat. If it's to good to be true it probably is. Didn't you get suspicious when a great game came with a high tolerance for large bets/spreads? I hope you had a good disguise.
Did you forget, he's a genius!
(*whisper* Hey, don't give the casinos any ideas!)
But in reality, I don't think they would have given up the large amount of cash indicated by genius to put together a photo shoot that may or may not recoup their losses. But you do make good points: never let your guard down; be suspicious; if it's too good to be true, it probably is. To the last point, it didn't last. :cry:
Now, genius is working on shutting down the last vestige of goodness in that legendary game in XXXXXX Whoops, I almost said where it was! (as if everybody didn't already know) :grin::whip: