decent %


Using basic strategy, what do you folks think is a good, correct play percentage???? Of course we look for 100%, but what is realistic???


Well-Known Member
rlg said:
Using basic strategy, what do you folks think is a good, correct play percentage???? Of course we look for 100%, but what is realistic???
according to my anaytical chemistry professor (from too many years ago) one should allow for 13% error in most any human endeavor.
your mileage may vary.

best regards,
mr fr0g :D


Thanks for your responses. My BS is at about 97-98% on most training software. Still having trouble with when to double "soft hands". I guess I'm ready--



Well-Known Member
rlg said:
Using basic strategy, what do you folks think is a good, correct play percentage???? Of course we look for 100%, but what is realistic???
If you can't play 100% each time you shouldnt even be playing. It isnt hard to memorize it, especially if you are only dealing with one set of rules.


Well-Known Member
You should make about as many mistakes with basic strategy as you do with reciting the alphabet. And lets be honest, if you can't recite your ABC's perfectly, you don't belong at the blackjack table. And along the same train of thought, if you can't pass an ABC sobriety test, you can't play blackjack at that point either.


Well-Known Member
I agree that 100% is completely realistic. Even if it takes you 10 seconds to play each hand you should always know the correct play. I had a lot of trouble with the soft doubling rules too. Different software sometimes uses different basic strategies (different numbers of decks and rule options) so it can be frustrating. Just hang in there and keep practicing. You’ll get it. :)



Well-Known Member
Bojack1 said:
You should make about as many mistakes with basic strategy as you do with reciting the alphabet. And lets be honest, if you can't recite your ABC's perfectly, you don't belong at the blackjack table. And along the same train of thought, if you can't pass an ABC sobriety test, you can't play blackjack at that point either.
lol, i'm well outa elementary school, retired after many years of work. never was able to confidently complete the alphabet :joker:

best regards,
mr fr0g :D


Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
I agree that 100% is completely realistic. Even if it takes you 10 seconds to play each hand you should always know the correct play. I had a lot of trouble with the soft doubling rules too. Different software sometimes uses different basic strategies (different numbers of decks and rule options) so it can be frustrating. Just hang in there and keep practicing. You’ll get it. :)

i believe the biggest problem with soft doubling is in how one internalizes his speech regarding the nomenclature.
the dealers are always wanting to say "you got a soft 17, you got a soft 18 ect. ect.
i believe that is a poor way to word the hand when you want to memorize the basic strategy charts, make plays and consider indices.
i think one should always internaly speak soft hands in the following manner:
instead of saying to your self i have a soft 13 say i have a Ace two
instead of saying to your self i have a soft 14 say i have a Ace three
instead of saying to your self i have a soft 15 say i have a Ace four
instead of saying to your self i have a soft 16 say i have a Ace five
instead of saying to your self i have a soft 17 say i have a Ace six
instead of saying to your self i have a soft 18 say i have a Ace seven
instead of saying to your self i have a soft 19 say i have a Ace eight
some how this works much better when your performing your mental gymnastics of memorizing and play decisions. it is much more descriptive.

best regards,
mr fr0g :D


Well-Known Member
Use a Card

rlg said:
Using basic strategy, what do you folks think is a good, correct play percentage???? Of course we look for 100%, but what is realistic???
There is no excuse for not playing 100%. Make a card for the games you play, using the Strategy Engine. Bring them with you and put it down on the table so you can see it.