kewljason said:
Somewhere along the line I must have missed the kool aid reference. I thought it had something to do with Jstat's use of the term in his infamous video's. Then I went so far as to look it up in "the urban dictionary", and that definition didn't seem to fit your use either.

But thats ok.
The remainder of your thread was one that made me start thinking, (as painful as that sometimes is). Now in my 6th year of fulltime counting, I have never encounter a real severe extended downturn period. I don't know what I would have done if I had. I like to think that the riskiest period, when I began playing and was playing with a much larger RoR is behind me, but the truth is that even now, while I play with a larger BR and very conservative RoR,
It is not zero, which means that conceivably, the worst could happen. And it really wouldn't have to be worse case senario. If I were to lose two thirds of my BR, as in your example, I'm sure I would be in real panic mode.

Thanks for a great reminder of frail this existance really is.
lol, ok kewl won, just i should preface every post i make with the statement, i'm just a bs'er and i don't mean basic strategy, although basic strategy is the one thing i can do almost flawlessly, lmao.
so it sounds like you are well past N0, i mean heck i would hope so after six years grinding away, lol, what ever that really means, but i think that means that you are in a relatively safe zone if you keep doing what you've been doing sort of thing, at least maybe it means your expectation and one standard deviation for you are equivalent?
would that mean that the most standard measure of luck with respect to your play is about the same value as your expectation? maybe what?, you can expect that circa 68% of the time your results will be within plus or minus your expectation of your expectation, lol.

so maybe it's not so frail for you now, well i hope that's true.
what ever happens outside the casino walls, well we'll probably most of us all be in the same boat as far as that stuff. that leaves you with your AP stuff, winnings, potential, ect. so that doesn't sound bad.
what i think the term 'kool aide' means is the AP stuff that we all virtually know and regurgitate on a regular basis, it's all as true and valid as can be, but the salient point is that we tend to act as if it is bullet proof when perhaps in fact it is not with out it's pitfalls. but even more salient a point is the idea that 'kool aide' is the 'know all', and the 'must be all' mode of attack for AP stuff when the truth of the matter is there are as many different ways to skin a cat as there are different types of AP's. just me, maybe, i think maybe a pro AP is kind of locked in to use a 'kool aide' method of attack, because 'kool aide' is in essence the epitome of our current state of knowledge when it comes to orthodox AP knowledge.
it's optimal or adjusted to be as near optimal as one wants, but it's as right as can be.
the question though is, is kool aide suitable for everyone, is it really absolutely necessary or even appropriate for a given individual when we are all so very different? just me, maybe, i think kool aide is not a one shoe fits all sort of thing, and that very fact is likely the trap jimmtech fell into, his admitted gambling on the side not with standing.
like, ok, jimmtech freely testifies that he gambled nearly half his bank roll away. just me maybe, but i think that makes jimmtech a gambler at heart. heck, i think i'm right about that, cause it takes one to know one, and i'm pretty sure i'm a gambler at heart, that tries to use AP stuff.
just, what i think i know is that, this kool aide mentality isn't suitable for a gambler, or really even some recreational minded AP's, even if kool aide has an element of a gamble in it.
a gambler needs to take even more precautions than an AP takes. a gambler can use AP stuff but, imho, he better be darn careful about using it with a 'kool aide' attitude. that gambling mentality and pro AP mentality are definitely at odds with one another.
same goes for the recreational AP compared to a pro AP, it's really apples and oranges, sort of a thing in many regards. like a pro might play with some of his own money but probably with others money as well, a rec guy is probably playing with his own hard earned loot exclusively.
just me, i think a AP needs to be scared about some stuff, but a gambler needs to be scared about everything, lol.
i think a gambler needs the very precautionary things an AP doesn't need, precautions such as having goals, loss limits and a general attitude that tells one to take a break when it's no longer fun, sort of thing.
watching the bottom line might be relatively meaningless for a Pro Ap, but for a gambler, imho, it's essential.
if an AP shouldn't fund his activities with the rent money, that rule should go doubly so for the gambler.
and anyone can be at odds with their family, but a gambler has really got to watch it when it comes to how his dance with chance affects those that he cares about most and that care about him.
lot's of other concerns as well, when it comes to the gambling thing. like for instance the question of where does your pleasure come from.
hopefully not exclusively from gambling, hopefully it comes from a wide range of the opportunities that life has to offer.