Did anyone tried this


Well-Known Member
keenen said:
but even tho he doesn't bust... it doesn't mean that i will lose .. right??
If the dealer doesn't bust then how do you expect to win with a hand of 11-16? You won't. As others have pointed out, this strategy has been investigated thoroughly and it is a waste of time. You can play however you like but don't expect this strategy to work for very long. If you're smart you will quit while you are ahead.



Well-Known Member
never bust

OK Keneen you came here for advice and you have gotten great advice from people who definitely know what they are talking about. So many people wouldn't even ask or ask the wrong people but you have shown enough intelligence to ask the proper questions.

But still you come back with "facts" or reasons for why your strategy is the one to use. This despite BJ experts telling you otherwise.

It is obvious to me now that you really didn't come here for advice but instead were seeking verification from experts for your system. You won't get it here.

Have fun losing all of your money.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
There's a dealer at my favorite casino who calls this the "Michael Jackson strategy."

Never hit on anything over 11.
:laugh: OMG that is hilarious. Poor Michael.. now if only we can think of a Pee-Wee Herman Strategy.


keenan is your first language english? because the way you post reminds me of the way chinese speak english and post on the internet.

and yes I am being serious. there are a lot of chinese fans on the houston rockets message board I get on all the time.